HTTP Flashcards
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HTTP Status Codes
A Successful request to the server results in a response, which is the message the server gives back to you, the client
The response from the server will contain a three-digit status code. These codes can start with a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, and each set of codes means something different.
1xx: (Server Response Status Code)
1xx: You won’t see these a lot. The server is saying, “Got it! I’m working on your request.”
2xx: (Server Response Status Code)
2xx: These mean “okay!” The server sends these when it’s successfully responding to your request.
3xx: (Server Response Status Code)
3xx: These mean “I can do what you want, but I have to do something else first.” You might see this if a website has changed addresses and you’re using the old one; the server might have to reroute the request before it can get you the resource you asked for.
4xx: (Server Response Status Code)
4xx: These mean you probably made a mistake. The most famous is “404,” meaning “file not found”: you asked for a resource or web page that doesn’t exist.
5xx: (Server Response Status Code)
5xx: These mean the server goofed up and can’t successfully respond to your request.
HTTP Methods (Four)
HTTP Method (GET)
Retrieves information from the specified source.
HTTP Method (POST)
Sends new information to the specified source.
HTTP Method (PUT)
Updates existing information of the specified source
Removes existing information from the specified source
An alphanumberic string used to identify you to an API