HTN-Thumar Flashcards
What does the JNC8 focus on more than 7 did?
BP control rather than use of particular agents for compelling indications
What has specific initial treatment recommendations?
CKD and race
What is no longer used as first-line agents?
Beta blockers
Which drugs did the ALLHAT trial compare?
Chlorthalidone vs Amlodipine vs Lisinopril
What did the ALLHAT trial say about those 3 drugs?
There is no clear difference between single agents regarding fatal CAD and nonfatal MI
Which drug out of the 3 from ALLHAT trial MAY be preferable?
What is recommended for CKD (+/- diabetes, regardless of race)
What is recommended for the black population?
Thiazide or CCB
What is recommended for the general population?
Thiazide or CCB or ACEI or ARB
What is the definition of CKD?
Abnormalities of kidney structure or function, present for >3mos, with implications for health
What is CKD based on?
Cause, GFR category, and albuminuria category
What does Stage1-2 CKD consist of?
GFR >60ml/min for >3mos plus one or more markers of kidney damage (albuminuria)
What is an example of a marker for kidney damage?
What does stages 3-5 of CKD consist of?
GFR<60ml/min for >3mos
What is the A1 category for albuminuria?
Normal to mildly increased
What is the range for A1 albuminuria?
<3 mg/molecules
What is the A2 category for albuminuria?
Moderately increased
What is the range for A2 albuminuria?
3-30 mg/mmol
What is the category A3 for albuminuria?
Severely increased
What is the range for A3 albuminuria?
> 300mg/g
G1 (GFR)
Normal or high
G1 range
> 90
Mildly decreased
G2 range
Mildly to moderately decreased
G3a range
Moderately to severely decreased
G3b range
Severely decreased
G4 range
Kidney failure
G5 range
What is a common lab to order for albuminuria?
Albumin-creatintine ratio “ACR” or microalbumin/urine creatinine ratio
What is a normal ACR?
What is “albuminuria”
> 30mg/g
Moderately increased ACR is what
Severely increased ACR is what
> 300mg/g
Who has high-volume HTN?
Black population
Low plasma renin activity and increased sodium/fluid loading
Black population-HTN
The black population with HTN is particularly responsive to what?
Sodium restriction and dieresis
Thiazide diuretics and CCBs have better efficacy for the black population as what?
What is most effective in improving cerebrovascular, heat failure, and combined CV outcomes?
Thiazide diuretics and CCBs in black population
You can consider starting with dual therapy is the BP is how much over goal?
> 20/10mmHg above goal at diagnosis
What are the options if the BP goal is not reached within one month of initiating treatment?
Increase/maximize dose or initial drug OR
Add second agent from different class
What combination therapies should be considered first?
ACEI+CCB over ACEI+thiazide
Which two classes should NOT be used in combo?
If goal cant be reached using third drug:
Ensure dose optimization and proper BP measurement, consider aldosterone-antagonist, BB, alpha-blocker, etc, refer to specialist
If the goal cant be reached with 3 drugs, what type of HTN could it be?
Secondary or resistant
What is one of the biggest barriers to HTN management?
What is favorable treatment for the elderly?
Low-dose thiazide diuretics
What should be considered when treating the elderly for HTN?
Fall risk, hypoperfusion if BP is too low
What is the age cutoff for HTN treatment?
What is the HYVET trial?
Assessed BP treatment in >80YO
What drugs were associated with a trend towards reduced rates of fatal/nonfatal stroke for the elderly?
Diuretic+/- ACEI
What is the take home point from the HYVET trial?
Its better to treat than to not treat elevated BP in the elderly
What is first line HTN treatment for pregnancy?
Methyldopa, Labetalol
What is second line treatment for HTN in pregnancy?
Nifedipine, Verapamil
What is the BP goal for pregnancy?
How can we improve pts adherence to HTN meds?
Use charts or pill boxes, link med use with daily activities, provide support, simplify medication regimens
Chronotherapeutics is what?
Considering to administer one BP med at night
What are some pros to chronotherapy?
better 24 hour control, possibly less dizziness, nighttime elevated BP correlates more with CV risk than daytime
What is the exception to administering HTN meds at night?
Diuretics-dont prescribe at night
How much can weight reduction lower BP?
How much can adopting the DASH eating plan lower BP?
How much can lowering dietary sodium decrease BP?
How much can physical activity decrease BP?
How much can lowering alcohol consumption decrease BP?
“Blood pressure that remains above goal in spite of the concurrent use of 3 antihypertensive agents of different classes”
Resistant HTN
What is the classic triad of meds for resistant HTN?
Diuretics, ACEI or ARB, CCB
What are some risks for resistant HTN?
Incresing age, high baseline BP, excessive dietary salt, CKD, diabetes, LVH, African-American, female, residence in southeast US
What is a common secondary cause of resistant HTN?
Pseudoresistance can be due to several situations:
Faulty BP monitoring, white coat HTN, NON-ADHERENCE (most common cause)
What % of pts stop their BP meds within the first year of treatment
What are common secondary causes of HTN?
Obstructive sleep apnea, primary aldoesteronism, advanced CKD, renal artery stenosis, volume overload, excess alcohol, obesity meds
What are some uncommon causes of secondary HTN?
Pheochromocytoma, Cushing’s, hyperparathyroidism, intracranial tumor
What types of drugs can cause secondary HTN?
NSAIDs, COX-2inhibitors, stimulants, cocaine, sympathomimetics (decongestants, diet pills), OCPs, cyclosporine, tacrolimus, steroids, erythropoietin, natural licorice, herbals
What are the medication options for resistance HTN?
Based on expert consensus and/or clinical experience
What should be considered when treating resistant HTN?
Utilizing different drug mechanisms; optimizing management of co-morbidities; proper 24hr BP control
Which potassium-sparing diuretics can be used for resistant HTN?
What are some pros to use Spironolactone for resistant HTN?
Can decreased SBP 5-20, DBP 5-10, improves LV size with addition to a 3 drug regimen
What is the dosing for potassium-sparing diuretics for resistant HTN?
Spironolactone 12.5-50mg daily
Eplerenone 50mg BID
Amiloride 2.5-10mg daily
BB should already be part of the resistant HTN regiment for pts that also have what?
CHF or CVD (angina, prior MI_
When should BBs be considered for resistant HTN treatment?
If resting HR is >80bpm
Consider Carvedilol, Labetalol
Alpha-blockers can be considered for resistant HTN when pts have
Low HR and or BPH
Which other drugs can be used (but often are not due to adverse effects)
Clonidine, Hydralazine