HTML5 Flashcards
sectioning element, and is used to wrap independent, self-contained content. The tag works well with blog entries, forum posts, or news articles.
used to wrap introductory information or navigation links for its parent tag and works well around content that’s repeated at the top on multiple pages.
tag meant to wrap around the main navigation links in your page.
primarily used to contain copyright information or links to related documents that usually sit at the bottom of a page.
gives semantic meaning when it wraps sound or audio stream content in your markup.
figure, figcaption
Used together, these items wrap a visual representation (like an image, diagram, or chart) along with its caption.
wraps the text for a specific form control item, usually the name or label for a choice.
a way to semantically show a group of elements are part of a set. Often uses the legend tag afterwards to provide a description afterwards.
This is an inline element that can wrap a date or time on a page. A valid format of that date is held by the datetime attribute. This is the value accessed by assistive devices.
accesskey attribute
specify a shortcut key to activate or bring focus to an element. This can make navigation more efficient for keyboard-only users.
tabindex attribute
allows an element to be focused on, can work in conjunction with the :focus pseudo class. Goes in order of sequential numbering i.e. 1, 2 ,3