HTML Tags Flashcards
7 main content models
Metadata, Embedded, Interactive, Headings, Phrasing, Flow, Sectioning
Essential Html Tags
embedded CSS styling
external script linking
links to external source code files like css
anchor tag link to other HTML docs
this tag is preformatted text. It displays exactly as typed. Very useful for programming examples, etc.
forced line break within an element
visual bold text modifier
semantically bold text modifier
visually italicized text modifier
semantically italicized text modifier
image tag
a section with navigation links.
represents a complete, or self-contained composition in a document, or application, that is, in principle, independently distributable or reusable. eg in syndication, like a forum post, magazine article, blog entry, an interactive widget or gadget
a generic section of a document separating out different pieces of a page like chapters
a sectioning element for content that is tangientally associated with the flow of the document. i.e. warning labels, graphical information, footnotes, quotes.
groups element together in order to modify and visually change the content. Use only when no semantically significant sectioning tag will not work.
sectioning elemt for different sections. Can and should be used to head the different sections
holds footer information for its nearest parent element
contains the main body of a document. does no affect the outlining must be unique as there can only be one per document. Usually used for assistive web reading
represents flow content. annotates illustrations, diagrams,photos, code examples, video, graphs. used for assistive web reading
represents the caption of the figure element
sectioning element that does not affect the outline of the document. That includes the quote and the citation
quote element
represents contact info of the creator for the specific article, document or site. Cannot contain any sectioning elements
used for side comments such as small print. Does not make the text less important semantically, but does make it smaller visually, which needs to be overwritten in CSS
used to create highlighted text. ex. user highlighted text (kindle), text in search result (google)
Used to wrap time stamps for easy parsing of dates within a document. Use the datetime attribute if the is not already in a machine readable format
unordered list- no bullet points
ordered list- bullet points
list item
description list
description term
description definition