HTML: Tables and Forms Flashcards
Define Table
Tables are structured sets of data made up of rows and columns.
Write a Table Element with 3 rows and 3 columns using row, data, and header cells.
header r1c1
header r1c2
header r1c3
data r2c1 data r2c2 data r2c3 data r3c1 data r3c2 data r3c3
Purpose of and in tables?
For best practice/semantics and accessibility.
how do you write a table data cell that takes more than 1 row? more than 1 column?
Header info
Header info Col
What is a form element?
Form element itself is a shell or container that does not have any visual impact but is filled with inputs, checkboxes, buttons, etc.
Write an empty form tag with attribute. Also, what does the attribute do?
*Action attribute specifies where the form data should be sent.
What is input element?
Input is a common form control that includes many different input types. Does not include a closing tag.
What are common input type attributes?
text, password, color, email, radio, range, number, submit, time, etc.
Write a text input with a placeholder.
Create a label element
What attributes are used for labels?
For - attributed to labels, and matches the ‘ID’ attribute on input.
Name - used to specify data that is submitted.
Write a submit button tag.
will not submit
Define the name attribute
The name of the input is referring to the value when the data is sent to server.
Write a checkbox input element for TOS.
Write a radio button input element for shirt size small/medium.
Write a select input element for gender preference.
Gender Identity:
--Choose-- Male Female Other
Write a range input element for volume; 0-50 incremented by 3 and preset to 10.
Set Volume Level:
Write a text area input element for comments.
Leave a comment:
All feedback is appreciated!
*can use placeholder as well.
Define Required attribute
Required attribute is a form validation that makes certain inputs required prior to submission ie for password or email.
Define minlenght and maxlength attribute
min and maxlength attribute can be used to require specifications for input types.
*min and max is used for numeric values such as range, number input types.
Define Pattern attribute
For instance requiring a password to have a lower case, upper case, special character, etc.