HTML Links and Forms Flashcards
How do you indicate the relative link to a parent directory?
Use ../ to indicate the folder above the current one, then follow it with the file name.
How do you indicate the relative link to a child directory?
For a child folder, use the name of the child folder, followed by a forward slash, then the file name. <a>Listings</a>
How do you indicate the relative link to a grand parent directory?
Repeat the ../ to indicate that you want to go up two folders (rather than one), then follow it with the file name. <a>Home</a>
How do you indicate the relative link to the same directory?
To link to a file in the same folder, just use the file name
What is the purpose of an HTML form element?
HTML form on a web page allows a user to enter data that is sent to a server for processing.
Give five examples of form control elements.
label, input, select, form, and textarea
Give three examples of type attribute values for HTML <input></input> elements.
type=”submit”, type=”password”, type=”radio”
Is an HTML <input></input> element a block element or an inline element?
Inline element
What are the six primary HTML elements for creating tables?
table, table head<th>, table heading<th>, table body<tbody> table row<tr>, table data<td>
What purpose do the thead and tbody elements serve?
The <thead> HTML element defines the head of the columns of the table.
The <tbody> HTML element encapsulates a set of table rows (<tr> elements), indicating that they comprise the body of the table (<table>).
Give two examples of data that would lend itself well to being displayed in a table.
Financial reports and sport results
What are the names of the individual pieces of a CSS rule?
Selector and declaration
In CSS, how do you select elements by their class attribute?
In CSS, how do you select elements by their tag name?
put the tag name and curly braces
In CSS, how do you select an element by its id attribute?