HTML Inline CSS Styling Flashcards
What tag do you use to make an ordered (numerical) list?
<ol> </ol>
What tag do you use to distinguish each item in the list?
<li> </li>
What tag do you use to make an unordered (bulleted) list?
<ul> </ul>
How do you make a comment?
What attribute do you use to change the way words look?
style= “ “
What do you write after “style” to change the size of the wording?
“font-size: px”
Before “px” type in the size you want; the sizes should be relatable to a Word document
How do you separate parts of the “style” attribute?
Use a semi-colon (;) inside the quotation marks.
What do you write after “style” to change the color of the words?
“color: “
(After the colon write the color you want)
Find a list of the colors here:
What do you write after “style” to change the type of font of the words?
“font-family: “
(After the colon write the type of font you want)
Find a list of the font types here:
What do you write after “style” to change the color of the backround?
“background-color: “
(After the colon write the background colors you want)
Find a list of the background colors here:
What do you write after “style” to change the alignment of the text?
“text-align: “
After the colon write left (normal), right, or center
What tag do you use to make certain words bold?
<strong> </strong>
What tag do you use to italicize words?
<em> </em>
What do you write after “style” to change the width?
“width: px”
What do you write after “style” to change the length?
“length: px”