HTML General Flashcards
Element type that is substituted for other content (does not contain it’s content)
Replaced element
Element type that contains it’s content (not substituted for other content)
Non-replaced element
Name for text in a document that is not in a tag (element)
Naked or anonymous text. Make the document invalid.
Header help the browser create what
Document outline. Helps assistive devices as well as search engines
Formal name for inline elements
Phrasing content
What can a paragraph tag contain
Phrasing content.
Tag/element that contains multiple header tags, but one introduces the topmost into the document outline.
hgroup. Intended to support a header and a subheader, with on the header registering into the document outline.
What are the three list types?
Ordered, unordered, and description list
What are the tags that make up a description list?
dl, dt, dd: Description List, Description Term, and Description Definition
Tag representing the quotation of a large amount of text
What content is allowed in a blockquote?
Paragraphs, heading and list are supported and encourages. Blockquote is a sectioning root (so heading won’t muck up the document outline)
Tags/elements that are sectioning roots
blockquote, figure, details, fieldset , td (a table cell), and body
What is a sectioning root?
A block tag that masks sectioning tags from the document outline. An H1 can be using in a sectioning root without the document outline being impacted.
Tag intended to contain content supporting some point in the main text
What can a figure tag contain?
A figure may contain an image, a video, a code snippet, text, or even a table—pretty much anything that can go in the flow of web content and should be treated and referenced as a self-contained unit.
Sectioning tag recommended to wrap an img tag
What is the tag used to attach a tittle to a figure tag?
What is the HTML tag equivalent to a chapter in a book?
What is the HTML tag used to identify a block of content that is a self contained block of syndicatable material?
How do you determine whether to use a section or article tag?
Both can contain the other. If it is self contained (could be embedded in another article) then use article.
What tags are sectioning elements in HTML 5?
Heading (H1-H6), article, section, nav, aside. The create an element in the document outline, but mask embedded sectioning elements (like a sectioning root). Sectioning elements may not be supported by browsers yet.
What tag is used to identify content as tangential or supportive of the main text?
Used like a sidebar.
What tag used to identify the content in the document, article, etc
Identifies the primary navigation.
What tag is used to identify introductory content for a document.
Might contain the heading/hgroup/nav - whatever makes since as a cover page.
What tag is used to identify content at the end of a document or sectioning element?
If in the body then a foot for the entire document. In in a sectioning element then just a foot for that element.
What tag is used to identify contact information for the author?