What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language - the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It is a skeleton of a web. It can be assisted by technologies such as CSS and JS.
What is HTML?
HyperText Markup Language - the standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser. It is a skeleton of a web. It can be assisted by technologies such as CSS and JS.
What is the role of HTML?
HTML marks up the content of a site. It tells the user’s computer what thins are. It provides access to the functionality built into the browser.
From which programming languages the web is made of?
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Why does the Web use multiple programming languages?
The web is different than other types of software. You can code the website today and expect that it will still work in five years or 10 years, without any updates. Your code can easily work on an old computer or an old browser from 10 years ago. The web can run on Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, game consoles, watches, televisions, Ebook readers, etc. The web was invented to provide the way to share the content, even when our computers are different from each other.
What is a functionality of HTML?
There is no programming logic, loops, functions. HTML Is a declarative language. It’s all vocabulary.
Why is web or browser programming broken up into three parts?
to be resident to changes in technology
Which is the most powerful and fragile of the browser programming languages?
What happens when HTML is broken because of a bug in the code?
The browser guesses what you meant, and does its best to fix the bug itself.
What is a tag in HTML? Give an example
HTML tags are the keywords which define how web browser will format and display the content. The example:
stands for paragraph.
Give an example of opening and closing tags in HTML.
- opening tag
- closing tag
Hello, I am a paragraph
What is HTML element?
An HTML element is an individual component of an HTM document. It represents semantics, or meaning. For example, the title element represents the title of the document. Most HTML elements are written with s tart tag (or opening tag) and an end tag (or closing tag), with content in between.
Why is it important to use a closing tag and make sure all the content we want is written before it, and not after it?
Anything that comes after the closing tag will be displayed on the same HTML page, but it will be understood by the browser to be outside of this article. It’s after the article. It matters where we open and we close out HTML tags, and how we nest elements inside of each other. We use this to convey meaning about content and interfaces. One of the easiest mistakes in HTML you can make is to forget to include the closing tag.
This is a headline
This is paragraph
This is second paragraph
This is third…
What is the opening and closing tag for a paragraph?
What are the six headlines?
What is the hierarchy of headlines starting from the biggest to the smallest?
Which tag is used to apply visual-only italics?
Which tag is used to apply emphasis italics?
Which tag conveys importance, seriousness, urgency?
What tag conveys bold?
What are the four elements that we have to mark up text to be italicized or bolded, and which of them convey a certain meaning, and which - a human language reason for the bold or italic?
What are the types of lists in HTML?
Unordered list Ordered list Definition lists
Give me the example of the unordered list.
- Dogs
- Cats
- Parrots
- Hamsters
Give me the example of the ordered list.
- Dogs
- Cats
- Parrots
- Hamsters
Give me the example of key value pair list.
<dd>additional definition</dd>
<dt>second term</dt>
<dd>definition of second term</dd>
<dt>third term</dt>
<dd>definition of third term</dd>
What tag represents a block quotation?
What tag represents inline quotation?
What tag represents a reference to a name, work, standard, URL, etc.?
What HTML elements are inline? Give me a few examples. What they are meant for?
Inline Elements: They are meant for wrapping around phrases of content that are inline with some other content.
What are block-level elements? Name a few examples.
> These elements start a new block. They are a thing on the page. A block that can be followed by another block.
What is the HTML tag to display the date and time?
May 9, 2025 7:00 am half past noon 3:45pm in NYC Wednesday, nov 4th at 7pm
What tag will you use when you want to show the code in the content?
What are the HTML entities? Name them
< < - less than sign > > - greater than sign
What is a space tag?
- it has no closing tag.
What type of spacing tag we use for the poem or irregular text in HTML?
hello... my world... what ever
What are subscripts in HTML?
Subscripts are characters that are set below the text baseline, and it is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. H20
What are the superscripts in HTML?
Superscripts are characters that are set half a character above the normal line, and it is sometimes rendered in a smaller font. footnote 2
What language will you use if you want to put complex equations on a website?
MathML - Markup language for math. It is more powerful than HTML.
What tag will you use to mark text that has a little meaning?
<small> </small> - to convey something that has very little prominence. <small>2019 Copyrights</small>
How many elements are there in the following HTML code?
The End of the World is Nigh
Musings on our Current Social Predicament, by Trans I. Tory
Random content….
How do we use HTML elements in combination with each other?
Here’s some text that should be emphasized.
Which two elements are used to mark-up subscript and superscript text?
When deciding which headline level to use (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) which of these statements is true?
We should use the level of headline that makes sense, based on the semantic meaning of content.
Which markup is correct for displaying date and time?
October 8, 2025
Which tag preserves the spaces, tabs, and line breaks within a piece of text so a poem or piece of code can be presented faithfully?
What is the correct structure of the HTML? Give an example.
The Headline
How does the break tag differ from most other inline and block tags?
It does not require a closing tag.
Why is it important to remember to use closing tags?
so it is clear where elements end
Which elements are used to mark-up code on screen?
What is the role of HTML?
HTML marks up the content of a site. It tells the user’s computer what thins are. It provides access to the functionality built into the browser.
From which programming languages the web is made of?
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Why does the Web use multiple programming languages?
The web is different than other types of software. You can code the website today and expect that it will still work in five years or 10 years, without any updates. Your code can easily work on an old computer or an old browser from 10 years ago. The web can run on Mac, Android, iOS, Linux, game consoles, watches, televisions, Ebook readers, etc. The web was invented to provide the way to share the content, even when our computers are different from each other.
What is a functionality of HTML?
There is no programming logic, loops, functions. HTML Is a declarative language. It’s all vocabulary.
Why is web or browser programming broken up into three parts?
to be resident to changes in technology
Which is the most powerful and fragile of the browser programming languages?
What happens when HTML is broken because of a bug in the code?
The browser guesses what you meant, and does its best to fix the bug itself.
What is a tag in HTML? Give an example
HTML tags are the keywords which define how web browser will format and display the content. The example:
stands for paragraph.
Give an example of opening and closing tags in HTML.
- opening tag
- closing tag
Hello, I am a paragraph
What is HTML element?
An HTML element is an individual component of an HTM document. It represents semantics, or meaning. For example, the title element represents the title of the document. Most HTML elements are written with s tart tag (or opening tag) and an end tag (or closing tag), with content in between.
Why is it important to use a closing tag and make sure all the content we want is written before it, and not after it?
Anything that comes after the closing tag will be displayed on the same HTML page, but it will be understood by the browser to be outside of this article. It’s after the article. It matters where we open and we close out HTML tags, and how we nest elements inside of each other. We use this to convey meaning about content and interfaces. One of the easiest mistakes in HTML you can make is to forget to include the closing tag.
This is a headline
This is paragraph
This is second paragraph
This is third…
What is the opening and closing tag for a paragraph?
What are the six headlines?
, ## , ### , #### , ##### , ######
What is the hierarchy of headlines starting from the biggest to the smallest?
, ## , ### , #### , ##### , ######
Which tag is used to apply visual-only italics?
Which tag is used to apply emphasis italics?
Which tag conveys importance, seriousness, urgency?
What tag conveys bold?
What are the four elements that we have to mark up text to be italicized or bolded, and which of them convey a certain meaning, and which - a human language reason for the bold or italic?
What are the types of lists in HTML?
Unordered list Ordered list Definition lists
Give me the example of the unordered list.
- Dogs
- Cats
- Parrots
- Hamsters
Give me the example of the ordered list.
- Dogs
- Cats
- Parrots
- Hamsters
Give me the example of key value pair list.
<dd> additional definition</dd>
<dt>second term</dt>
<dd>definition of second term</dd>
<dt>third term</dt>
<dd>definition of third term</dd>