HTML Deck 2 Flashcards
What is HTML5?
HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a standard text formatting language used for developing web pages released in 1993. HTML is a language that is interpreted by the browser and it tells the browser what to display and how to display.
It is used to design web pages using markup language. HTML is the combination of Hypertext and Markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages. Markup language is used to define the text document within tag which defines the structure of web pages.
What are the key new features in HTML5?
HTML5 introduces a number of new elements and attributes that can help you in building modern websites. Here is a set of some of the most prominent features introduced in HTML5.
New Semantic Elements − These are like <header>, <footer>, <section>, <article> and <figure>.
Forms 2.0 − Improvements to HTML web forms where new attributes have been introduced for <input></input> tag.
Persistent Local Storage − Web storage facility which provides web application methods to store data on the web browser.
WebSocket − A next-generation bidirectional communication technology for web applications.
Server-Sent Events − HTML5 introduces events which flow from the web server to web browsers and they are called Server-Sent Events (SSE).
Canvas − This supports a two-dimensional drawing surface that you can program with JavaScript.
Audio & Video − You can embed audio or video on your web pages without resorting to third-party plugins.
Geolocation − Now visitors can choose to share their physical location with your web application.
Microdata − This lets you create your own vocabularies beyond HTML5 and extend your web pages with custom semantics.
Drag and drop − Drag and drop the items from one location to another location on the same webpage.</figure>
What were the key goals and motivations for the HTML5 specification?
HTML5 was designed to replace both HTML 4, XHTML, and the HTML DOM Level 2. Major goals of the HTML specification were to:
Deliver rich content (graphics, movies, etc.) without the need for additional plugins (e.g., Flash).
Provide better semantic support for web page structure through the introduction of new structural element tags.
Provide a stricter parsing standard to simplify error handling, ensure more consistent cross-browser behavior, and simplify backward compatibility with documents written to older standards.
Provide better cross-platform support (i.e., to work well whether running on a PC, Tablet, or Smartphone).
What is <!DOCTYPE>? What are the different types of <!DOCTYPE> that are available?
A doctype or document type declaration is an instruction that tells the web browser about the markup language in which the current page is written. The Doctype is not an element or tag, it lets the browser know about the version of or standard of HTML or any other markup language that is being used in the document.
A DOCTYPE declaration appears at the top of a web page before all other elements. According to the HTML specification or standards, every HTML document requires a document type declaration to ensure that the pages are displayed in the way they are intended to be displayed.
The DOCTYPE for HTML5 is case-insensitive. It indicates the version of HTML which in this case is 5. The earlier versions like HTML4 were based on Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) and required a Document Type Definition (DTD). HTML5 however, is not based on SGML and doesn’t need a DTD.
The following DOCTYPE are also supported in HTML5: <!DocTYpe html>, <!dOCtype html> and <!doctype html>.
There are 3 types of DOCTYPES as mentioned below: Strict Doctype, Frameset Doctype and Transitional Doctype.
What are tags and attributes in HTML?
Tags are the primary component of the HTML that defines how the content will be structured/ formatted, whereas Attributes are used along with the HTML tags to define the characteristics of the element. For example, <p align=” center”>Interview questions</p>, in this the ‘align’ is the attribute using which we will align the paragraph to show in the center of the view.
What are void elements in HTML?
HTML elements which do not have closing tags or do not need to be closed are Void elements. For Example <br></br>, <img></img>, <hr />, etc.
What is the advantage of collapsing white space?
In HTML, a blank sequence of whitespace characters is treated as a single space character, Because the browser collapses multiple spaces into a single space character and this helps a developer to indent lines of text without worrying about multiple spaces and maintain readability and understandability of HTML codes.
What are HTML Entities?
In HTML some characters are reserved like ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘/’, etc. To use these characters in our webpage we need to use the character entities called HTML Entities. Below are a few mapping between the reserved character and its respective entity character to be used.
Character Entity Name Entity Number
< < <
> > >
& & &
What are different types of lists in HTML?
There are ordered list using <ol></ol> and unordered lists using <ul></ul>.
What is the ‘class’ attribute in HTML?
The class attribute is used to specify the class name for an HTML element. Multiple elements in HTML can have the same class value. Also, it is mainly used to associate the styles written in the stylesheet with the HTML elements.
What is the difference between the ‘id’ attribute and the ‘class’ attribute of HTML elements?
Multiple elements in HTML can have the same class value, whereas a value of id attribute of one element cannot be associated with another HTML element.
Define multipart form data?
Multipart form data is one of the values of the enctype attribute. It is used to send the file data to the server-side for processing. The other valid values of the enctype attribute are text/plain and application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
Describe HTML layout structure. Semantic Elements
Every web page has different components to display the intended content and a specific UI. But still, there are few things which are templated and are globally accepted way to structure the web page, such as:
<header>: Stores the starting information about the web page.
<footer>: Represents the last section of the page.
<nav>: The navigation menu of the HTML page.
<article>: It is a set of information.
<section>: It is used inside the article block to define the basic structure of a page.
<aside>: Sidebar content of the page.
How to optimize website assets loading?
To optimize website load time we need to optimize its asset loading and for that:
CDN hosting - A CDN or content delivery network is geographically distributed servers to help reduce latency.
File compression - This is a method that helps to reduce the size of an asset to reduce the data transfer
File concatenation - This reduces the number of HTTP calls
Minify scripts - This reduces the overall file size of js and CSS files
Parallel downloads - Hosting assets in multiple subdomains can help to bypass the download limit of 6 assets per domain of all modern browsers. This can be configured but most general users never modify these settings.
Lazy Loading - Instead of loading all the assets at once, the non-critical assets can be loaded on a need basis.
What are the various formatting tags in HTML?
HTML has various formatting tags:
<b> - makes text bold
<i> - makes text italic
<em> - makes text italic but with added semantics importance
<big> - increases the font size of the text by one unit
<small> - decreases the font size of the text by one unit
- makes the text a subscript
- makes the text a superscript
<del> - displays as strike out text
<strong> - marks the text as important
<mark> - highlights the text
<ins> - displays as added text</ins></mark></strong></del></small></big></em></i></b>
What are the different kinds of Doctypes available?
The three kinds of Doctypes which are available:
Strict Doctype
Transitional Doctype
Frameset Doctype