HTML & CSS- part 2 Flashcards
How do you control the spaces between letters (including between letters in adjacent words?)
letter-spacing: 1em;
When using letter-spacing, how do you bring them closing together? What is neutral letter spacing?
*closer together: negative number
*neutral spacing: 0em
How do you control the spaces between words without controlling the spaces between letters?
word-spacing: 1em;
How do you control the spacing between lines of text?
line-height: 1em;
What is the normal line height for spacing between lines of text?
How would you code an extra half line between lines of text?
line-height: 1.8em;
What is half a line for spacing between lines of text?
What’s the main use for font-style?
to specify italic text.
Is the Times font serif or sans-serif?
Is calibri a serif or sans serif font?
san serif
What does HREF stand for?
Hypertext REFerence
Is a 2em heading the same size as 2em paragraph text?
Yes. Because 1em is always equal to the default text size of the browser, even when used to size headings.
What’s the main use for word-spacing?
To make bold text more readable.
Is Times New Roman serif or sans serif?
Is Georgia serif or sans serif?
Is Helvetica serif or sans serif?
Sans serif
Is Arial serif or sans serif?
Sans serif
Is Geneva serif or sans serif?
Sans serif
Is Trebuchet MS serif or sans serif?
Sans serif
Is Garamond serif or sans serif?
Is courier serif or sans serif?
“Slab” Serif (and monospaced)
Is Lucida a serif or sans serif?
Sans serif
Is comic sans a serif or sans serif?
Sans serif. It’s in the name.