HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap Flashcards
What is HTML?
- Hypertext Markup Language
- Defines how a web page is laid out.
- Uses tags
- Know the format of tags.
What are some common tags?
- Head
- Body
- P (paragraph)
- Div (Division)
- Span
- h1 - h6 (heading 1-6)
- a (anchor)
- Style
- Script
- Form
- Ul (Unordered List)
- Ol (Ordered List)
- Dl (Description List)
- Li (List)
- Dt (Description term)
- Dd (Definition description)
- img (image) - etc.
What is the first tag in EVERY HTML file?
What is CSS?
- Cascading style sheet
- Defines how the elements on the page will look.
- HTML defines the structure of a webpage while CSS defines the look
What are the different forms of CSS?
- External - In a separate file that is linked.
- Internal - At the top of the document in style tags.
- Inline - as an attribute on the elements themselves.
What is iFrame?
- An HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website.
- The IFrame element is used to insert content from another source, like an ad on a
web page.
What is DOM?
- Document Object Model
- Represents the HTML page structure as nodes and objects. That way, programming
languages can connect to the page. - Root node is the window object
What is Bootstrap?
- A front-end, open source toolkit used to speed up development with HTML, CSS, and
JavaScript. - Built for mobile first web-development, using a grid system.
What are Meta Tags?
- Provide metadata about the HTML document.
- Metadata will not be displayed on the page but will be machine parsable.
- Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the
document, last modified, and other metadata.
What is ASCII?
- American Standard Code Information Interchange
- A character encoding standard for electric communication.
What is ANSI?
- American National Standards Institute.
- Creates standards for the computer industry.
- Sets standards throughout a wide range of technical areas from electrical specifications
to communication protocols.
What is UTF-8?
- Unicode Transformation Format
- 8 means it uses 8-bit blocks to represent a character
- A character encoding that can contain any Unicode characters.
What tag would you use to create tables?
- T - table tag
- Tr - is table row
- Th - is table head
- Td - is table data (column data)
What tag would you use to create list?
Ordered list - Ol - li Unordered list - Ul - li Description list - Dl - Dt - Dd
What tag would you use to create forms?
- Form tag creates a form
- Input specifies the different form inputs
- Button or input type=”button” can be used to submit.
- If there is only one button on the form it will default to the submit button.
What does attribute “required” do?
- Used on input to specify that it must be filled out for the form to submit.
What does attribute “target=”_blank”’ do?
- Anchor links may have the target attribute which controls what happens when the anchor
is Clicked. - If the target is _blank this tells the browser to open a new window (or tab depending on
user settings) when the link is Clicked.
What tag do you use to create an image?
- img
- Requires a src attribute which is where the image is from
- Also requires an alt attribute = specifies the alternate text for the image if it could not be
What is JavaScript?
- is an object oriented interpreted scripting language
- Used on web pages for DOM manipulation to make the pages more interactive.
What is AJAX?
- Stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.
- A new technique for creating better, faster, and more interactive web applications
using XML, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
What is OBP?
- Represents Object Based Programming.
- Basically, a superset of OOP.