Html/CSS Flashcards
What is an attribute?
A characteristic of description for some content in the element. Example: style, src, href
What is the syntax for changing the color of text
style =”color: green”
What do you use to separate more than one thing in your attribute (for example, size and color)
A semi colon
What is the syntax for changing the font family?
style = “font-family: Arial”
What is the correct syntax for changing font size
style =”font-size: 12px
table data
table row
table body
table header
table head data
colspan=” “
attribute telling how many columns to span the data over. (Example a title that needs to go over 2,3, etc columns
<div> </div>
divides your page into different “containers” you can then style (A block level container with no semantic meaning)
<span> </span>
allows you to control and style individual pieces such as text
How do you write a hidden comment in your HTML?
What is the correct syntax for a creating a link?
<a>Link text</a>
table data
table row
table body
table header
table head data