HTML Attributes Flashcards
what is an html attribute
properties that provide additional information about the element
what do html attributes do
say something about the elements that carries them
what do html attributes consist of
a name and a value
what is the name part of an html attribute
the property of the element that you want to set
what is the value part of an html attribute
what you want the value of the property to be
how are html attributes usually written
in the form “name=value”
how should the value of an html attribute be written
in double qoutation marks following the equals sign
give all the core html attributes
what is a boolean html attribute
attributes that consist of just a name
give all html internationalisation attributes
html attribute: src
html element: img
specifies the url of the image that’s displayed
html attribute: href
html element: a
specifies the url of a webpage to link to
html attribute: title
html element: a
gives a plain language description of the target of the link
html attribute: lang
html element: html
sets the language of the document
html attribute: lang
sets the language of an element
html attribute: id
uniquely identifies any element within a page
html attribute: class
specifies that an element belongs to a class of elements
html attribute: title
gives a suggested title for the element
html attribute: style
enables you to specify css styles for the element
html attribute: dir
enables you to indicate to the browser the direction in which the text should flow
html attribute: href
html element: link
specifies the url of the linked document
html attribute: rel
html element: link
indicates the type of the linked document
html attribute: src
html element: script
specifies the url of a javascript file
html attribute: cite
html element: blockquote
indicates the source of the qoute
html attribute: reversed
html element: ol
reverses the order of the list
html attribute: type
html element: ol
specify the class of markers to use with ordered lists
html attribute: type
html element: ol
value: a
use lowercase letters
html attribute: type
html element: ol
value: A
use uppercase letters
html attribute: type
html element: ol
value: i
use lowercase roman numerals
html attribute: type
html element: ol
value: I
use uppercase roman numerals
where are attributes placed in an html element
within the opening tag
html attribute: cite
html element: q
indicates the source of the qoute
html attribute: title
html element: abbr
defines the full description of the abreviation
html attribute: datetime
html element: time
indicates the time and date of the element and must be a valid date with an optional time string
html attribute: title
html element: ins, del
provides information as to who added the element and why it was added or deleted
html attribute: cite
html element: ins, del
uri for a resource that explains the change
html attribute: datetime
html element: ins, del
indicates the time and date of the change and must be a valid date with an optional time string
html attribute: href=”mailto:”
html element: a
allows users to send an email to a specific address
html attribute: href
html element: base
specifies the base url value
html attribute: accesskey
provides a hint for generating a keyboard shortcut for the current element
html attribute: hreflang
html element: a
indicates the language of the linked resource
html attribute: rel
html element: a
specifies the relationship of the target object to the link object
html attribute: tabindex
an integer indicating if the element can take input focus
html attribute: target
html element: a
specifies where to display the linked resource
html attribute: target
html element: a
value: _blank
opens the link in a new browser window or tab
html attribute: alt
html element: img
defines the alternative text describing the image
html attribute: height
html element: img
sets the height of the image
html attribute: width
html element: img
sets the width of the image
html attribute: preload
html element: video, audio
value: none
indicates that the media should not be preloaded
html attribute: preload
html element: video, audio
value: metadata
indicates that only media metadata is fetched
html attribute: preload
html element: video, audio
value: auto
indicates that the whole media file could be downloaded even if the user is not expected to use it
html attribute: autoplay
html element: video, audio
indicates whether the media should automatically play when the page is loaded
html attribute: loop
html element: video, audio
indicates that the browser should start the media over when playback is complete
html attribute: muted
html element: video, audio
indicates whether the media player should play the associated audio track
html attribute: poster
html element: video
a url indicating a poster frame to show until the user plays or seeks
html attribute: controls
html element: video, audio
indicates whether the browser should include playback controls
html attribute: data
html element: object
the address of the resource as a valid url
html attribute: content
html element: meta
gives the value associated with the http-equiv or name attribute
html attribute: name
html element: meta
defines the name of document-level metadata
html attribute: charset
html element: meta
defines the character encoding of the page
html attribute: download
html element: a
indicates that the author intends the hyperlink to be used for downloading a resource
html attribute: ping
html element: a
sends the urls of the resources a notification/ping if the user follows the hyperlink
what are global attributes
attributes that can be used on all elements
html attribute: hidden
indicates that the element is not yet, or no longer, relevant
html attribute: title
html element: img
provides additional information about the image
html attribute: scope
html element: th
defines the cell as a header for a group of cells
html attribute: scope
html element: th
value: row
defines the cell as a header for a row of cells
html attribute: scope
html element: th
value: col
defines the cell as a header for a column of cells
html attribute: scope
html element: th
value: rowgroup
defines the cell as a header for the rest of the row
html attribute: scope
html element: th
value: colgroup
defines the cell as a header for the rest of the column
html attribute: colspan
html element: td, th
indicates how many columns the cell extends
html attribute: rowspan
html element: td, th
indicates how many rows the cell extends
how can you specify other parts of a message in an email link
place a question mark after the email address and then use name/value pairs to specify the additional properties
how can you specify more than one property in an email link
separate the name/value pairs with an &
email link property: subject
adds a subject line to the email message
email link property: body
adds a message into the body of the email
email link property: cc
sends a carbon copy of the email to the cc’d address
email link property: bcc
secretly sends a carbon copy of the email to the bcc’d address without any recipient seeing any other recipients
html attribute: action
html element: form
the URI of a program that prcesses the form information
html attribute: method
html element: form
the HTTP method that the browser uses to submit the form. either GET or POST
html input type: text
a single-line text field
html input type: button
a push button with no default behaviour
html input type: password
a single line text field whose value is obscured
html input type: email
a field for editing an e-mail address
html input type: checkbox
creates a checkbox
html input type: checkbox
html attribute: value
defines the value submitted by this item
html attribute: name
html element: input
the name of the control, which is submitted with the form data
html attribute: maxlength
html element: input
specifies the maximum number of characters that the user can enter
html input type: radio
creates a radio button
html input type: radio
html attribute: value
defines the value submitted by this item
html attribute: checked
html element: input
indicates whether this item is selected by default
html attribute: type
html element: input
the type of control to display
html attribute: selected
html element: option
indicates that the option is initially selected
html attribute: value
html element: option
represents the value to be submitted with the form
html attribute: size
html element: select
represents the number of rows in the list that should be visible at one time
html attribute: multiple
html element: select
indicates that multiple options can be selected in the list
html input type: file
A control that lets the user select a file
html input type: file
html attribute: accept
indicates the types of files that the server accepts, otherwise it will be ignored
html input type: submit
a button that submits the form
html input type: submit, reset
html attribute: value
controls the text that appears on the button
html input type: image
a graphical submit button
html input type: hidden
a control that is not displayed but whose value is submitted to the server
html attribute: for
html element: label
states which form control the label belongs to
html attribute: required
html element: input, select
specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form
html input type: date
a control for entering a date
html input type: url
a field for editing a url
html input type: search
a single-line text field for entering search strings
html attribute: placeholder
html element: input
a hint to the user of what can be entered in the control
html attribute: minlength
specifies the minimum number of characters that the user can enter
html attribute: src
html element: iframe
the url of the page to embed
html attribute: height
html element: iframe
indicates the height of the frame
html attribute: width
html element: iframe
indicates the width of the frame
meta name type: description
contains a short and accurate summary of the content of the page
meta name type: keywords
contains relevant words associated with the content of the page
meta name type: robots
defines the behavior that web crawlers should have with the page
meta name type: robots
content: index
allows the robot to index the page
meta name type: robots
content: noindex
prevents the robot from indexing the page
meta name type: robots
content: follow
allows the robot to follow the links on the page
meta name type: robots
content: nofollow
prevents the robot from following the links on the page
html attribute: http-equiv
html element: meta
defines the pragma that can alter servers and user-agents behavior
meta name type: author
defines the name of the author of the document
html attribute: type
html element: link
defines the type of the content linked to
html input type: reset
a button that resets the contents of the form to default values
html attribute: src
html element: video, audio
the url of the audio to embed
html attribute: value
html element: meter
the current numeric value
html attribute: min
html element: meter
the lower numeric bound of the measured range
html attribute: max
html element: meter
the upper numeric bound of the measured range
html attribute: low
html element: meter
the upper numeric bound of the low end of the measured range
html attribute: high
html element: meter
the lower numeric bound of the high end of the measured range
html attribute: optimum
html element: meter
the optimal numeric value
html attribute: max
html element: progress
describes how much work the task indicated by the progress element requires
html attribute: value
html element: progress
specifies how much of the task that has been completed