HTML Flashcards
Where do you put non-visible content about the HTML document?
In the < head > tag
Where do you put visible content about the HTML document?
In the < body > tag
Where do the < head > and < body > tags go in a valid HTML document?
In the < HTML > tag
What is the purpose of a < !DOCTYPE > declaration?
To let the browser know what type of document this is.
What is the purpose of HTML attributes?
To provide more information about the element
What is an HTML entity?
Special characters and characters that may disrupt the flow of the HTML document. Copyright and Trademark and Angle Brackets are examples.
How do block-level elements affect the document flow?
Block-level elements will start on a new line and the element that follows will also start on a new line.
How to inline elements affect the document flow?
Inline elements continue on the same line as their neighboring elements.
What are the default width and height of a block-level element?
Default width is the maximum wdith available. Default height is equal to the height of its contents.
What are the default width and height of an inline element?
The default height and width is the minimum amount of space necessary for the contents of the element.
What is the difference between an ordered list and an unordered list in HTML
Ordered lists have a specific order to the list items, unordered lists do not.
Is an HTML List a block element or an inline element?
Block element
What HTML tag is used to link to another website?
The < a > tag
What is an absolute URL?
The full web address for a new/different website
What is a relative URL?
The shorthand way to access/link another page of the same website/on your domain
How do you indicate the relative link to a parent directory?
. . / followed by folder/file name
How do you indicate the relative link a child directory?
Use the name of the child folder, followed by a forward slash, then the file name.
How do you indicate the relative link to a grand parent directory?
Repeat the . . / to indicate that you want to go up two folders (rather than one), then follow with the folder/file name.
How do you indicate the relative link to the same directory?
Just use the file name (nothing else is needed).
What is the purpose of an HTML Form element?
Allows you to collect information from the user.
Give 5 examples of form control elements.
< input >, < textarea >, < select >, < option >, < button >.
Give 3 examples of type attributes for HTML < input > elements.
radio, text, checkbox, password, file, submit, image, date, email, url, search.
Is an HTML < input > element a block element or and inline element
Inline Element.
What are the 6 primary HTML elements for creating tables?
< table >, < tr >(table row), < td >(table data), < th >(table heading), < thead >, < tbody >
What purpose do the < thead > and < tbody > elements serve?
< thead > element defines a set of rows defining the head of the columns of the table. < tbody > element encapsulates a set of table rows (< tr > elements), indicating that they comprise the body of the table.
Give two examples of data that would lend itself well to being displayed in a table.
stocks, Sports results, financial reports, employee schedules, student grades, movie times