HTML Flashcards
Where do you put non-visible content about the HTML document?
inside the head element
Where do you put visible content about the HTML document?
inside the body element
Where do the and tags go in a valid HTML document?
inside the HTML tags or element
What is the purpose of a declaration?
to inform the web browser about the type and version of HTML used in building the web document
Give five examples of HTML element tags.
header, body, a, footer, div
What is the purpose of HTML attributes?
to provide more information for the HTML elements
Give an example of an HTML entity
< is < > is > copyright is ©
What is the difference between an ordered list and an unordered list?
ordered list is in order usually numerical and unordered list are in bullet points
What three HTML elements do you use to build a description?
description list<dl> , description term <dt>, description definition </dt><dd></dd></dl>
How do you indicate the parent folder in a path?
by typing ../ to locate one level up from the current folder
How do you indicate the child folder in a path?
by typing /
How do you indicate the grand parent folder in a path?
by typing ../../
How do you indicate the current folder in a path?
by typing the full URL to a file
What are the six primary HTML elements for creating tables?
table tag, tablerow, tabledata, table body, thead, table, th=table header
What purpose do the thead and tbody elements serve?
to describe the document and separate chunks of code