Html 5 Flashcards
Cover Html 5 Tags
Section Tag
Defines sections in a document.Such as chapters, headers, footers or any section.
Area Tag
defines an area inside an image-map (an image-map is an image with clickable areas).
The element is always nested inside a tag.
Article Tag
Defines independent, self contained content. An artile should make sense on its own and it should be possible to distribute it indefpendently. Potential sources are: forum post, blog post, news story, comment
Header Tag
- defines an header for a document or section. Should be used as an container for introductory content.
Aside Tag
The aside tag is used in conjuction with the article tag to mark additional information that can enhance the article but isnt necessarly key to understanding it.
Nav Tag
-defines section of navigation links. intented only for major blocks of navigation links. Browsers, such as screen readers for disabled users can use this element to determine wheter to omit the intial redendering of this content.
Footer Tag
defines footer for a document or section, typically contains the author of the document, copyright information, links to terms of use, contact information
Figure Tag
Used to mark up a photo in a document
FigCaption Tag
Used with the figure tag to add a caption
Mark Tag
Hightlights part of the text
Time Tag
Does not do anything special mainly for reader agents
Html semantics
Semantic HTML, or “semantically-correct HTML”, is HTML where the tags used to structure content are selected and applied appropriately to the meaning of the content.
Define placeholder input attribute
Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of an element
What is the video tag used for and what is the syntax
the video tag is used to play video, it requires a nested source that specifics the source location and source type of the video allowed video types are mpg, mp4 and ogg, control attribute can be added to video tag to display video controls
Color Tag
Html 5 input type, provides a color picker
Date Tag
Html 5 input type, date picker
Datetime Tag
Html 5 input type, date time picker
Email Tag
Html 5 input type, used for input that should contain email
Month Tag
Html 5 input type, allow month year only