HTML Flashcards
definition of tags in the syntax(7)
<html>-root/ parent tag
<head>-child tag
<title>-title of the web page
Current version of html
HTML 5 .1—2nd edition
html is introduced _______by in year______
Tim Berners Lee
(6)definition of <tag></tag>
- Html tags are like keywords which defines how browser will format and display the content
- Helps a web browser to distinguish between html content and simple content
- contains three main parts:
-opening tag
-ending tag - some tags do not have ending tag like <br></br>
- shd be enclosed within <>
- end tag shd have a sp. charac–”/”
attributes (4)
1.HTML attributes are special words which provide additional information about the elements
2.Each element or tag can have attributes, which defines the behaviour of that element
3.. always be applied with start tag
4. name and value pair.
<ele>content</end ele>
features of HTML(8)
- Platform dependent
- Interpreted
- Easy to understand
- All browsers supports html
- Features supports
- Flexible
- note Programming language
- Can be supported by programming languages which make Web browser more dynamic
adv of HTML(5)
- Easy to learn
- not case sensitive
- execution is easy
- compiler is not required
- It can be easily integrated with other programming languages
disadvantages of html(3)
- Not secured
- Not platform dependent
- Errors are not displayed As
collection of data items is called as list
–list items–<li>
—three types:
1. Order list<ol>
2. Unordered list<ul>
3. description list<dl>
<ol> formats
Number format(default) - <ol>
Alphabets capital letters -<ol type="A">
Alphabet small letters
Roman capital letters - <ol type="I">
Roman small letters - <ol type="i">
<ul> formats
Disc(default) - <ul>
square-<ul type="list-style-type:circle">
Nested list(3)
list inside another list is called as nested list
- nested list can be created for both<ul> and<ol>
- Default type of <ul> is circle(not disc)
-Default of<ol> is number itself
1.ele selec–p{—on all para willbe aplied
2.sp.ele selec–p{–only on para without other selectors–only spefically selected ele
3. class selec– .hi{__
4. grp selec-- h1,p,h2{\_\_
5.universal selec *{---
6. id selec-- #para{--
How to get single line for a table outline
Border-collapse: Collapse;
— This should be written in style tag when :
table, th, td{
table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } <table> <tr> <th>\_\_\_</th> </tr> <tr> <td>--</td> <tr> </table></style>