HT Patho Flashcards
What is Systemic hypertension
chronic condition of elevated blood pressure in the
arteries which requiring more cardiac work than normal
to push the blood through the blood vessels.
Normal blood pressure at rest
Normal blood pressure at rest is:
100-139 mmHg systolic .اقل من 140
70-89 mmHg diastolic.اقل من 90
High blood pressure is considered if being persistent at =>140/90
I) According to Measurements
Optimal:less than 120/80
Stage 1 : اول مايدخل ال 140/90
Stage2: اول مايدخل ال160/100
Stage3: ول مايدخل ال180/110
Isolated systolic. نورمال diastolic
Grade1: ول مايدخل ال140
Grade2: ول مايدخل ال160
II- According to Etiology
1.Primary (Essential) hypertension (90%):
No obvious underlying cause.
2.Secondary hypertension (10%):
Caused by diseases in the kidneys, cardiovascular
(heart & arteries) or endocrine D
1ry HT
Unknown underlying cause
Risk factors:
.early life
.adult life style
2ry HP (10%)
This type is 2ry to pre-existing diseases such as:
1- Renal diseases (the commonest)
2- Endocrine diseases
3- Cardiovascular diseases
4- Cerebral diseases
5- Drugs: Corticosteroids ,Contraceptive pills.
Increased peripheral resistance occurs in hypertension due to the following mechanisms:
1- Intra-renal renin secretion
2- Sympathetic overtone
3- Endothelial dysfunction & vascular inflammation ->vascular
Pathogenic mechanisms involve:
- Increased CO
- Increased TPR
- Both
most cases of hypertension:
Co normal but ↑ TPR
Seen in primary hypertension ,renal disease.
Sometimes ↑ co and normal TPR= isolated systolic HT
in older patients due to arterial stiffening.
Clinical Features of Systemic Hypertension
- Most people with hypertension don’t feel any symptoms.
- People with very high blood pressure “stage 3”
symptoms including: - severe headaches - dizziness - Confusion - buzzing in the ears
- chest pain - difficulty breathing - abnormal heart rhythm
- Nausea - vomiting
- Anxiety - blurred vision
- nosebleeds
(according to the onset & course of the disease)
Benign (90%)
Malignant (10%)
Complications of HT
2.Eyes: Glaucoma
3. CVS: MI; Unstable & Stable angina , Heart failure.
4. Kidneys: Chronic renal failure.
Pulmonary Hypertension
a mean pulmonary arterial pressure greater than 20 mm
Hg at rest
or greater than 30 mm Hg during exercise
Pathology of Pulmonary Hypertension
Histopathological Manifestations:
A. Medial hypertrophy & cellular intimal thickening
B. Fibrin thrombi in glomoid plexiform lesion
2. PH due to Left Heart Disease:
A. Medial hypertrophy
with intimal and adventitial proliferation of a small pulmonary “artery”.and “vein”
C. Recanalyzed fibrotic thrombus in arterioles
Complications of pulmonary hypertension
• Right-sided heart failure (cor pulmonale): The most significant
complication, leading to fluid retention, edema, and ascites.