HSP3U Unit 2 - Theorist test Flashcards
What was Carl Rogers’ theory?
Self - Actualization
What are the main ideas of ‘self-actualization’
1) a person can only ‘grow’ if they are surrounded by genuineness (openness + self-disclosure), empathy (being listened to + understood), and acceptance (seen with positive regard).
2) must be in positive state of mind, people become destructive when something interferes with this process.
3) This is a humans’ basic motive (develops self-worth + positive regard)
4) If this is achieved then it is called ‘congruence’
if not… ‘incongruent’
Who was Alfred Bandura and what was his theory?
a physiologist who came up with the MODELLING THEORY
What were Alfred Bandura main ideas?
1) it was about the way a person’s emotions and actions can change because of a role model in their life
2) gave us a Deeper understanding of how our cognitive brain works (the way we act + learn)
3) situations cause different reactions in people
What was the Modeling Theory
4 part theory…
1) Attention: when someone notices the behavior of a person and start to imitate their actions/behavior.
- Attention is whether someone chooses to mimic that one person instead of rest of the people we see daily.
2) Retention: how well remembered the certain behavior is
- If not well remembered… person will not imitate the actions again
3) Reproduction: ability to physically perform the imitation (Ex: sometimes we are unable to mock certain actions but are unable to because of lack of physical strength or flexibility)
4) Motivation: person’s willingness to mimic a behavior
- Rewards/punishments determine whether the person will perform behavior or not.
What was Howard Gardner’s theory?
1) Verbal - Linguistic: person's ability to analyze information + produce oral + written language work (speeches, essays, emails, books) 2) Logical - Mathematical: ability to develop equations + proofs, make calculations, solve problems 3) Visual - Spatial: allows people to comprehend maps + other types to graphical information 4) Musical: produce + make meaning of different sounds 5) Bodily - Kinesthetic: using one's body to create products / solve problems 6) Interpersonal: ability to see + understand other people's mood, desires, motivations, intentions 7) Intrapersonal: ability to see assess same^^ characteristics within themselves
What was Lev Vygotsky’s theory
What was the Social Development Theory
included: Social development, Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD, More Knowledgeable Other (MKO) (are all connected)
What is ZPD
Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD): idea that someone can do a task without knowing how to do it as long as they have assistance.
1) How social interactions we make throughout adolescents + play develop our cognition 2) How potential for growth + cognitive development are crucial in the development dependent in the ZPD, and what children can and cannot do
What was important about Jane Goodall?
2) showed how much similarity there is between humans + chimps
3) studied behavior of chimps+ learned how they adapted to environment
What was Alfred Adler’s theory?
what made the Birth Order Theory important?
1) it was about how a child’s position in his/her family would ship their personality + how they acted in life
2) Main IDEA: parents treat their children differently due to the order they were born in, these differences cause children to think +act differently
List Birth Order Theory
1) Oldest Child (GIVE EXAMPLE OF EACH)
- Seen as less of a child
- Given most responsibility
- Very dominate in social situations because always leader at home
2) Second Born
- Feels like there are always in shadow of other siblings, causes them to be very competitive (trying to overcome older sibling)
3) Other middle child
- Peacemakers/diplomats of the family because they don’t want anyone to dislike them since they don’t get the same attention as oldest + youngest children
4) Youngest Children: Parent’s favorite
5) Twins
- identity problems
- always striving to differentiate themselves from the other
- Always a more dominant, confident, outgoing twin + a shadow twin
6) All girls/boys: if only 1 boy/girl, boy/girl will become influenced
Who was the creator of the ‘Unconscious Mind’?
Carl Jung
What was so important about Carl Jung’s theory and explain the collective conscious, conscious mind/ego, and personal unconscious
- he created Archetypes: universal symbol that reappears over time. It includes models of people’s behavior, personalities, and collective unconscious
1) Collective Unconscious: part of mind that is derived from ancestral memory. In 1 shape/form identical to all humankind. (ex: compare collective unconscious to basic instincts)
2) Conscious Mind/Ego: ‘Control Centre’. Holds identity, thoughts, feelings, can control when + what can be accessed by memory
3) Personal Unconscious: the part that arises from the interact between collective unconscious + person’s personal growth. Holds memories / information that has been forgotten (person is unable to recall them)
Who invented the Development Theory?
Erik Erikson