HRM Flashcards
Digital Transformation (Video)
+ Industry Examples
Digital Transformatin
Digital transformation is the process by which companies/organizations/institutions go from being analog and happening in the ‘real world’ to being not only adapted for but optimized and designed for the digital and online world.
- Axel Springer: Today 70% of revenues are made by digital products and services (Before zero)
- BMW/Tesla: High one-to-one relationship due to interactive software that is built into the cars (e.g. via updates)
- Telecommunications: Today also entertainment
-> Overall digital transformation adds value for the customer
Digital Transformation - changing work atmosphere and attitudes
Digital Tranformation
Areas that are changing:
- Talent
- Work with, not for
- Teamwork
- Cooperation
- Diverse workforce
- Empathy
- Work-Life-balance
- Digital
- Artificial Intelligence
What does digital really mean/
Examples and Areas of digitality
Three different possibilities to create new value
Digital Transformation
- Creating Value at new frontiers
- Uber. Airbnb-> don’t own cars, or apartments but adds value through a shared economy, due to technology -> they own an application
- Creating Value at core business
- Due to tehnology and higher interaction companies are able to gain a deeper undertsanding of their customers and hence they can built better products
- Building foundational capabilities
- Employees need to undestand digital tools in order to benefit from them, human factor + digital products
Global Trends affecting the way work is done
Carbon resources
Demographic Challenges
Social Trends
Future of Work
1.Accelarting Technology
* Cloud Technology
* AI (allows work to be done vertically, e.g. self driven cars, SIRI, ALEXA)
-> prone to lead to increased productivitiy and to substitute human tasks
2.Accelerating Globalization
* Emerging Markets
-> Global Partnerships
3.Accelerating Carbon Resources
* Sustainability (Global Warming)
* Adoption energy effiecient ways of working
* Environmental records
-> energy effiecient building, environmental footptint becomes also relevant for employees
4.Accelarting Demographic Challenges
* Ageing in specific regions
* Generation Y - positions of authority
-> Gen Y values work-life balance strongly
5.Accelerating Social Trends
* Urbanization of the population
* ‘Balanced man’ (felxibility is values for women and man)
-> People live in poor suburbs
What is the impact the four trends in the future of work have on companies?
Future of work
* shaping values and behaviors, transparent, authentic
2.Company Structure
* project teams, matrix, joint ventures, virtual teams
* Focus on collabiration, sustainability, cross-business, networks, relationships with partners, consumers and entrepreneurs
4.Acquisition of specific skills
* Analytics, building networks, working in virtual teams
What impact have new trends in the workplace on the Managment of People/HRM?
Future of Work
- Work collaboration across boundaries
- Toilerance of failure
- Skill development (network creation, data analysis, customization of processes, building, monitoring virtual teams)
Agile HR
Future of Work
- Working easy moving and flexible
- mindset and culture at core
s. next card
Agile HR Principles
Future of Work
1.Psychological Safety (everyone dares to be themself)
2.Purpose (create an actual value to customer or user)
3.Value creating activity (no policy and documentation trap)
4.Probe, sense and respond (finding humble solutions by exploring and learning out of it)
Agile HR Def
Future of Work
People and interactions over processes and tools, without eliminating the required regulations and the structures and policies that enhance culture within the firm.
Probe, sense and respond to the complex and changing environment.
Three most important things about HR
Intro HR
Human Ressource Management
Intro HR
Guarantee the entry of high-quality individuals; Develop them;
Retain them,
Recruitment and Selection Appraisal, Training and Development, Management of Rewards
That is:
Choose the best resources and make the best use of these resources.
How to attract Talent (EVP)
Intro HR
Employee value proposition
1. Company culture
2. Type of Jobs offered
3. Type of Compensation
Different employee segments need different value propositions
Intro HR
Process for attracting talent
Intro HR
HR Planning
Intro HR
Eliminate gaps between supply and demand
Job Analysis
Intro HR
Process to obtain detailed information about the job.
Information about the process of the job and the individual requirements for performance of that job.
Difference between Job Description and Job Specification
Intro HR
Intro HR
Examples of recruitment channels
Intro HR
Examples of recruitment channels
Intro HR
Examples of recruitment channels
Intro HR
Selection Process Stages
Intro HR
Difference Selection Criteria and selection methods
Intro HR
Ways to manage Performance
Intro HR
- Performance Appraisal
- Training anf Development
- Compensation
Performance Appraisal:
Intro HR
Appraisal Criteria
Intro HR
Appraisal Instruments
Intro HR
Reasons for Traning and Development
Intro HR
Career Management
Intro HR
(Reasons for) Compensation
Intro HR
Intro HR
Mission of HRM
Intro HR
Peter Principle
Intro HR
→ The Peter Principle is an observation that the tendency in most organizational hierarchies, such as that of a corporation, is for every employee to rise in the hierarchy through promotion until they reach a level of respective incompetence.
Goals of Selection
Employee Selection
- Selection Criteria
- Selection Methods
- Decision Making Strategy
Employee Selection
Digital Interviews (Example: Wade and Wendy)
Employee Selection
What IBM Watson can do (Example for AI in HR)
Employee Selection
- Accelerate talent decisions (Uses workforse analytics to get fact-based answers)
- Uncover hidden patterns (providing deeper insights by discovering hidden patterns and relationships in talent data)
- Influence decisions (Leverage built-in cognitive capabilities to make better organizational decisions based on talent data)
Employee Selection
How does Cybervetting work, Method, Research Questions
What is cybervetting? And why is it common in HR?
When and how do companies use cybervetting?
Cybervetting Pros
Problems with Cybervetting
Security Reasons, some applicants have private accounts and prefer to not show all their data (some companies are therefore trying to get informations elsewhere e.g. by APIs, GNIP or Datasift who analyze data.
BUT: More than half of participants are not comfortable with companies analyzing their private information
* Further problem is discrimination
* Hence ethics needs to be included in the hiring process -> more transparency
Key aspects about face-to-face and digital recruitment processes
Goal of Gamification
Employee Selection
Training def (Talent Development)
Talent Development
Training – focused on current performance, short-term improvements;
* Needs analysis;
* Implementation;
* Evaluation.