HR Organizaional Theories Flashcards
Initiative - Fayol’s 14 principles
This principle stresses the importance of allowing workers to have freedom to create and make plans in their particular work area.
Henri Fayol
Henri Fayol was a theorist who developed 14 principles of management. Fayol’s principles considered the organization as a whole instead of concentrating on the work flow itself.
Centralization - Foyol’s 14 principles
This principle stresses the importance of a balance between the decision making power of management and workers.
Remuneration is one of Fayiol’s 14 Principles. Being paid fairly for a job done is a great motivator of workers.
Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management
Frederick Taylor stressed the importance of quantitative analysis, or the analysis of data and numbers to improve production effectiveness and efficiency.
Self-fulfilling prophecy
The self-fulfilling prophecy is if you as a manager hold people to a certain expectation - whether that’s good or bad - your own actions will influence those employees to act accordingly.
Theory Y Manager
Theory Y managers have a positive view of workers. He/she believe workers have potential and the role of the manager is to develop that potential.
Stability of Tenure - Fayol’s 14 principles
This principle stresses the importance of trying to minimize staff turnover.
Upward Communication
Upward Communication is a necessity of the Human Relations Movement. The worker can provide feedback to upper communication thereby increasing their motivation.
Douglas McGregor
Douglas McGregor was a behavior management theorist. He proposed there are two types of managers: Theory X and Theory Y.
Human Relations Movement
This movement focuses on the person. Employee attitudes towards work became important to a successful company.
Groups / Teams
Groups / teams are an important aspect of the human relations movement. When workers are working together synergy is created.
Equity - Fayol’s 14 principles
This principle stresses the importance of management being fair to their workers at all times.
Scalar Chain
In a scalar chain there is a chain of command, and each member must be aware of their place in the organizational chart of the company.
Fredrick Taylor’s Time and Motion Studies
In these studies, you would analyze the time required to complete a task, and devise a way to break the task down into component motions.