HR - Interpersonal Relationships Flashcards
Formation of Personal Relationships
Biological Explanation
Fisher 2004
Evolution has produced 3 motvational brain systens: Sex Drive, Attraction & Attachment, and Interaction with each other. They produce emotions, motivations and behaviour associated with love
Formation of Personal Relationships
Biological Study #1
Fisher 2003
Focus → Neutrotransmitter: Dopamine
Aim: Neuroboligical activity of a person in love
Participants: 7 Men, 10 Women in a relationship (not with each other) (≈18-26 y/o) (≈7 months in love)
Method: fMRI scans shown picture of an acquitance, filler activity, a picture of loved one
Findings: When show picture of loved one, fMRI show brain acitity in Ventral Tefmental Area (VTA) rich in dopamine
Formation of Personal Relationships
Biological Study #2
Focus → Pheromones: MHC Gene
Aim: Determine wether odors have an impact on attraction
Participants: 44 Men, 49 Women w/ Different MHC gene alleles
Method: Males were given a cotton shirt and ask to sleep with it for 2 Nights and abstain from odor promoting activities. Women were ask to smell different shirts placed on boxes with 3 with MHC Gene and others with a difefrent gene and rank them
Results: Women prefered smeel of shirts of disimilar MHC Gene to them and rank them as more pleasent
Conclusion: MHC Gene determines attractivnes by creating attachment for stronger offspring
MHC Gene has an important role in immune response
Formation of Personal Relationships
Cognitive Explanation
Similarity-Attraction Model:
We are attracted to those who we percieve as more similar. Form of shared valued and beliefs, attitudes, cultural backgrounds
Formation of Personal Relationships
Cognitive Study #1
Markley & Markley
Focus → Similarity
Aim: Investigate the similarity factor in choosing a partner
Participants: 66 Men, 103 Females (Self-selected) Undergrad students (≈19 y/o) (Single but interested)
Method: Questionnaires to rate their own personality and then described the personalityof their romantic ideal
Findings: Most wanted partners similar to themsvelves
Followup study: Similarity is a important factor but harmony and complementary traits also attracts (Dominant and Submissive in a relationship)
Formation of Personal Relationships
Cognitive Study #2
Focus → Similarity
Aim: Investigate similarity in relationships
Participants: 17 Male students (US Students before first semester in university)
Method: Questionnaires on attitudes and values before enrollement
Findings: in 2nd semester they had formed relationships with people with similar attitudes
58% students with roomates with similar attitudes had formed friendships
Conclusion: We gravitate towards people with similar view/values to our own
Formation of Personal Relationships
Sociocultural Explanations
Culture & Cultural Norms
Culture and cultural norms play an importat role in the formation of relationships as individuals share similar beliefs, views and attitudes specific to their culture
Formation of Personal Relationships
Sociocultural Study #1
Cultural Importance
Aim: Investigate role of culture
Participants: 10000 from 37 different cultures
Method: 2 Questionnaires on mate selection and rate importance of different qualities’ importance
- In most cultures women rate ↑ Good Financial Prospects and older, & Males rate ↑ physical attractiveness and younger
- Some cultures valued chastity
Formation of Personal Relationships
Sociocultural Explanations
Mere Exposure Effect
Psychological phenomenon that people tend todevelop a preference for things merely on familiarity
Formation of Personal Relationships
Sociocultural Study #2
Aim: Validity of MEE
Participants: 63 Male, 67 Women in Psychology course
Method: 4 Women attended to class on different regularities throughout the course (Women A: ) classes, Women B: 5 Times, Women C: 10 Times, Women D: 15 Times)
At end of semester, participants were shown pictures of the four women and asked to rate them on different traits
Findings: Women and Men both answered the same, ↑ frequency in classes were rated better traits and therfore, ↑ attractiveness
Role of Communication
Gottman’ 4 Horsmen
Communication patterns that cna destroy a relationship
Role of Communication
Gottman’ 4 Horsmen
Critiscm (attack someone with statmemts)
Contempt (Treating with Disrespect)
Defensivness (Victimization)
Stonewalling (Refusal to communicate)
Role of Communication
RoC Study #1
Rehman & Holfzura
Aim: Compare Pakistani and American couples on their marital satisfcation and communication
Participants: 50 couples ( Pakistani, American and Pakistani immigrants)
Method: GIven a Questionnaire to gather data on communication styles between couples and marital satisfaction.
Results: Couples with more + communication had ↑ levels of marital satisfaction; correlation stronger in American couples.
Conclusion: While communication might be important in marital satisfaction across cultures, it could be more significant in the west. (Different cultures perspectives)
Role of Communication
Social Penetration Theory
Close relationships are develop over time with a gradual process of self-disclosure and intimacy
Role of Communication
RoC Study #2
Collings & Miller
Aim: Investigate the relationship between self-disclousre, intimacy and liking
Method: Meta-analysis of 94 studies from he factors above and combining the results
Results: people that self-disclose + are more liked than those who don’t. Positive feedback loop of intimacy
Self disclosure (sharing personal informatio) → +
and ↑ communication
↑ Internal Valididty
Why Relationships End
Attribution theory
We understand ones behaviour by giving (attributing) them a cause/reason to it
Why Relationships End
WRE Study #1
Finchman & Bradley
Aim: Measure a correlation between attribution and marital statisfaction
Participants: 32 married couples (distressed and non-distressed)
Method: They were given hypothetical beahviour of their spouses
Results: ND couples assumed causes of behavior to be controlable while distressed couples considered - behaviors to be uncontrollable.
Conclusion: Seems to imply that distressed couples considered positive acts as situational and non-distressed couples considered negative acts to be uncontrollable.
Why Relationships End
WRE Study #2
Graham & Conoley
Aim: See if stress affects marital quality & if couples attributions could moderate this effect.
Hypothesis: Couples with + attributions are less vulnerable to the effects of stress on their relationships.
Participants: 58 white males from Texas, middle class. Opportunity sample.
Stress measured for 12 months by giving 10 hypothetical situations and asking participants how they would attribute to them.
Marital quality was measured through a questionnaire.
Results: Attriubution styles would moderate the relationship between stressful life events and marital satisfaction.
Explanation: Attributions can act as a buffer between stress and marital satisfaction.
Research Methods #1
A survey is a way of collecting information from a large group of people rather than from a very small number. Maycombine quantitative data with qualitative data or only use quantitative.
Research Methods #2
Laboratory Experiments
Determine a cause & effect relationship between two variables
Independent & Dependent
Control Variables
Ethical Considerations #1
Ethics → is an integral part of psychological research because it is research with living beings
Anonimity/Confidentiality - Grham 7& Conney
Nobody outside the experiment should know the names of the participants
Participants have the right to privacy →highly personal, sensitive
Breach of confidentiality could result in harmful consequences.
Ethical Considerations #2
Ethics → is an integral part of psychological research because it is research with living beings
the study was ethical because there was informed consent, no deception, their identities remained confidential, they could withdraw, they were debriefed, and they were protected from mental and physical harm