HR in the UN Flashcards
What does Felipe gomez argue about HR?
IHRL has foundations pre 1945 but the UDHR is the first to priories it
the UN charter is not legally binding because of the context of the contemporary west human rights abuses at the time of ratification.
somewhat legally viable
Why was the UNDHR created?
from the atrocities of ww2 to ensure it never occurs- gone from being state responsibility to the ‘legitimate concern of the international community’ as written in the Vienna declaration.
Name some prior HR mechanisms.
- treaties such as the Geneva convention of 1864
- League of Nations
- declaration on the international rights of man 1929
What did the League of Nations implement to protect HR?
- article 22 system of tutelages- abolishes the slave trade and guaranteed freedom of religion
- article 23- humans labour condition, human trafficking, and control of disease.
- International labour organisation (ILO) on employment rights and child exploitation
- gave more rights to minorities than the declaration of HR.
How did the (or did not) the UN Charter protect HR?
- art 68 sets up ECOSOC so that does set up the HR commission.
- article 1.3 promotes respect for HR, so does art 55 which also establishes the principle of self-determination to all people.
- but despite latin American activism (Panama) at the the san Fransisco conference, the main powers didn’t want to set legal obligations because of HR abuses:
- generic references and no set definition of HR.
- Does not list these rights
- no set mechanisms
Name other treaties established to protect HR.
- International covenant of civil and political rights 1966
- international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights 1966
- rights of the child
- rights of women
- anti discrimination
Analyse the main antecedents of IHRL pre 1945
- treaties such as the Geneva convention of 1864
- League of Nations
- Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944)- established UN
but no rights under IL (domestic jurisdiction)
examine the crucial role of UN played in the internationalisation of HR norms and mechanisms
- different between the covenant of League of Nations and UN declaration is that HR is a focus from the beginning!
- came to some sort of consensus despite international divide.
name the milestones that lead to the creation of UN.
- Roosevelt Four Freedoms (1941)
- Dumbarton Oaks Conference (1944)- established the IO that would become the UN.
- The san Fransisco conference (1945)
state some main points of the UN Charter.
- Preambles are not legally binding but they are ideologically important.
→ first time an international legal document mentions dignity.
Article 1.3 promotes respect for HR
Art 55 which also establishes the principle of self-determination to all people (set out genuine legal obligations)
- Art 56
> “All Members pledge themselves to take joint and separate action in co-operation with the Organization for the achievement of the purposes set forth in Article 55”
Art 68 sets up ecosoc.
state some features of The Universal declaration of HR
- universal bill of HR is made up of Declaration of HR and international covenant of civil and political rights 1966 and international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights 1966.
- created by the HR commission set up by ECOSOC (art 68)
- is a consensus of the east/ west divide
- the 6 countries of soviet Europe voted against the declaration in the general assembly p168
- Saudi Arabia abstained due to reasons of religious and family traditions
- South Africa was completely against social, economic and cultural rights being part of it
Describe the creation of the UN Human Rights Council.
- General Assembly- general competences of HR
- ECOSOC → Created the commission of HR (subsidiary body of ecosoc) until 2006 then the HR council (subsidiary body of GA)
- context of institutional evolution: attempts to reform the UN by Kofi Annan- but lack of political will but the HRC and peace building commission were established GA res 60/251 March 2006.
Describe the features of the UN Human Rights Council.
- Technical and political body, although its political component prevailed (ColdWar…)
- Main Functions: Sets Standards, creation of special procedures (no power to take action doctrine), space for NGOs.
- Main features: was 53 member states now 47, elected for 3 years by secret ballot of GA, cannot be re-elected after 2 consecutive terms.
name election criteria of the council.
contribution to promotion of HR and equitable geographic distribution.
state the main criticism of the HR council.
politicisation and selectivity (double standards); lack of credibility… In spite of it, relevant role