HR Fundamentals: Ch 1-6 for Midterm Flashcards


Ch 1: Strategic HR Management


(#2 out of 3 technological forces)


the shift toward converting work that was traditionally done by hand to being completed by mechanical or electronic devices;

organizations automate to: increase speed, provide better service, increase flexibility, increase predictability in operations, and achieve higher standards of quality;

robots can replace boring or hazardous jobs

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CPHR)


human resource (HR) practitioner, formally accredited to practice;

reflects a threshold professional level of practice

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

cultural mosaic


the Canadian ideal of encouraging each ethnic, racial, and social group to maintain its own cultural heritage;

forming a national mosaic of different cultures

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

demographic changes


changes in the demographics of the labour force (e.g., education levels, age levels, participation rates) that occur slowly and are usually known in advance

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

economic forces


economic factors facing Canadian business today, including global trade forces and the force to increase one’s own competitiveness and productivity levels

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

the 4 critical economic forces

  1. economic cycles,
  2. global trade,
  3. productivity and innovation improvement,
  4. knowledge workers
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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

economic cycles

(#1 out of 4 critical economic forces)


Canadian economy goes through boom and bust cycles;

during boom cycles, HR must consider how to recruit and develop talent;

during recessionary periods, HR faces challenges (layoffs, wage concessions, lower morale)

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

global trade

(#2 out of 4 critical economic forces)


international trade has always been crucial to Canada’s prosperity and growth;

Canada ranks high among exporting nations;

Canadian jobs and economic prosperity depend upon international trade

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

and innovation improvement

(#3 out of 4 critical economic forces)


productivity = ratio of an organization’s outputs to its inputs;

productivity improvement is essential for long-term success;

for over a decade, U.S. productivity has been consistently
outpacing Canada;

without innovation, productivity differences tend to increase

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

educational attainment


the highest educational level attained by an individual worker, employee group, or population

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

functional authority


HR department may be provided authority to make decisions (e.g., deciding type of benefits);

authority that allows staff experts to make decisions and take actions normally reserved for line managers

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management



the use of rules, competition, and teamwork to encourage engagement by mimicking games

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

human resource audit

HR audit (#1 of 3 internal supply estimates)


an examination of the human resource (HR) policies, practices, and systems of a firm (or division) to eliminate deficiencies and improve ways to achieve goals;

1) skills inventories (summary of worker skills and abilities)
2) management and leadership inventories (reports of management caapabilities)
3) replacement charts (list of likely replacements fo each job)
4) replacement summaries (lists of likeley replacements for each job and their relative strengths and weaknesses)

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

human resource management


the leadership and management of people within an organization using systems, methods, processes, and procedures that enable employees to optimize their performance and in turn their contribution to the organization and its goals

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

knowledge workers

(#4 out of 4 critical economic forces)


members of occupations generating, processing, analyzing, or synthesizing ideas and information (e.g., scientists and management consultants)

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

line authority


possessed by managers of operating departments;

authority to make decisions about production, performance, and people

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

mission statement


a statement outlining the purpose and long-term objectives of the organization

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

organization structure

organizational structure


the product of all of an organization’s features and how they are arranged—people, objectives, technology, size, age, and policies;

HR strategies should be formulated only after a careful look at the organization’s structure;

structure reflects the past and shapes the future

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

organizational culture


the core beliefs and assumptions that are widely shared by all organizational members

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

organizational goals


an organization’s short- and long-term outcomes that human resource (HR) management aims to support and enable

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

organizational strategy


determine the
appropriate array of HR practices;

HR strategies enable the successful completion of the
organization’s strategies

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

environmental scan

and the 5 major forces


continuous monitoring of economic, technological, demographic, and cultural forces;

the major forces:
(1) economic,
(2) technological
(3) demographic
(4) cultural
(5) legal

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management


(there are 3 critical forces)


(1) connectivity and work design;

(2) automation;

(3) data and analytics

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Ch 1: Strategic HR Management

connectivity and work design

(#1 out of 3 technological forces)


connectivity influences organizations and the way
people work;

access to information has affected the way organizations conduct business;

technology has brought flexibility such as when and where work is carried out (i.e., telecommuting), has also brought increased cybersecurity concerns

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# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **data and analytics** | (#3 out of 3 technological forces)
the role of data and analytics have shifted due to AI/ML and rapidly increasing computing power; intranets and integrated information systems help store and access information quickly and accurately; information management systems capturing digital information about employees give rise to human resource (HR) data analytics
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **demographic forces** | (there are 4 critical forces)
1. gender balance, 2. educational attainment of workers, 3. aging population, 4. generational shift
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **gender balance** | (#1 out of 4 demographic forces)
47% of the workforce assigned female at birth (2020); participation rate of biologically female in health care and professional, scientific, and technical services continues to grow; more women than men work part-time
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **generational shift** | (#4 out of 4 demographic forces)
although the differences within groups may be wider than the differences between groups, some managers find benefit through understanding that not all generations view the world through the same lens that they do; Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z and soon Generation Alpha, are all in the workforce; different people have different expectations from their workplaces; generational diversity creates an interpersonal dynamic for all leaders
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **productivity**
the ratio of a firm’s outputs (goods and services) divided by its inputs (people, capital, materials, energy)
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **sociocultural forces**
challenges facing a firm’s decision makers because of cultural differences among employees or changes in core cultural or social values occurring at the larger societal level
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **cultural forces** | (there are 2 critical forces)
1. diversity and social justice; 2. ethics
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **diversity and social justice** | (#1 out of 2 cultural forces)
Canadian society is a cultural mosaic; Canada encourages maintaining unique culture and heritage vs. U.S. “melting pot”; continued inequalities articulated by social justice advocates for Indigenous, Black, and other racialized people of colour attributed to systemic bias; social justice has become central to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in the workplace
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **ethics** | (#2 out of 2 cultural forces)
ethical conduct of business is becoming an increasingly important issue; managers should understand ethical perspectives and consider ethical implications
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **staff authority**
HR departments are service departments; authority to advise others, **not** direct
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **strategic human resource management**
integrating the strategic needs of an organization into the organization’s choice of human resource (HR) management systems and practices to support the organization’s overall mission, strategies, and performance
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **model of strategic human resource management (HRM)** | 5 steps
(1) organizational mission, goals, and strategy analysis, (2) environmental scan, (3) analysis of organizational character and culture, (4) choice and implementation of HR strategies, (5) review, education and audit of HR strategies
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **choice and implementation of human resource (HR) strategies**
HR must continuously focus on the following activities: (1) identifying opportunities, risks, and challenges; (2) making data-informed decisions aligned to strategy; (3) optimizing for high performance
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **review, education and audit of HR strategies**
HR strategies should be examined periodically in consideration of changing factors (e.g., technology, environment); conduct HR audit (holistic review of HR strategies to identify and correct deficiencies); HR activities aimed at productivity improvement, succession planning, and cultural change are critical to competitive survival
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **small HR department** | (in a **small** organization)
separate HR department emerges when HR activities becomes a burden; often emerges as a small department or individual reporting to a middle-level manager | (i.e., HR Administrator reports to Office Manager who reports to Owner)
# *Ch 1: Strategic HR Management* **large HR department** | (in a **large** organization)
as the organization grows, the HR department usually grows in impact/complexity; specialists are added (e.g., recruitment, compensation and benefits, health and safety, labour relations, client services); there might be a Vice President of HR (head of department, reports directly to President/CEO) | (i.e., Recruiters report to Manager of Recruitment, who reports to VP)
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **autonomy**
in a job context, autonomy is independence; having control over one’s work and one’s response to the work environment
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **competency**
a knowledge, skill, ability, or behaviour associated with successful job performance; broader in scope than KSAOs | i.e., communication
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **competency matrix**
a list of the level of each competency required for several jobs at an organization
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **competency model (competency framework)**
a list of competencies required in a particular job
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **efficiency**
achieving maximal output with minimal input; scientific management and industrial engineering principles; stresses efficiency in effort, time, labour costs, training, and employee learning time
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **employee log**
an approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by asking the jobholder to summarize tasks, activities, and challenges in a diary format
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **environmental considerations**
the influence of the external environment on job design; includes: (1) workforce availability (abilities and availability of people who will do the work); (2) social expectations (expectations of larger society and workers); (3) work practices (set ways of performing work)
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **ergonomics** | ergonomic considerations
the study of relationships between physical attributes of workers and their work environment to reduce physical and mental strain and increase productivity and quality of work life; considers the physical relationship between the worker and the work; fitting the task to the worker rather than forcing employees to adapt to the task; can lead to significant improvements such as efficiency and productivity, and workplace safety
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **feedback**
information that helps evaluate the success or failure of an action or system
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **focus group**
a face-to-face meeting with five to seven knowledgeable experts on a job and a facilitator to collect job- and performance-related information
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **interview**
an approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by a face-to-face meeting with a jobholder, typically using a standardized checklist of questions
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job**
a group of related activities and duties; may be held by one or several employees | i.e. 1 supervisor, 2 animators, and 7 programmers = 10 positions, 3 jobs
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job analysis**
systematic study of a job to discover its specifications and skill requirements; used for wage-setting, recruitment, training, performance management, and/or job-design purposes
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **3 phases in job analysis**
1. preparation for job analysis 2. collection of job analysis information 3. use of job analysis information
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **phase 1: preparation** | (in job analysis)
**step 1:** become familiar with the organization and its jobs **step 2:** determine uses of job analysis information **step 3:** identify jobs to be analyzed
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **phase 2: collection of job analysis information** | (in job analysis)
**step 4:** determine sources of job data; human and nonhuman sources **step 5:** identify the data required, which may include... (a) job identification (i.e., job title); (b) duties (i.e., the job tasks), responsibilities (e.g., equipment operation, supervisory responsibility); (c) human characteristics (e.g., lifting, hearing); (d) working conditions (e.g., exposure to hot or cold); (e) performance standards (i.e., how well the job needs to be performed) **step 6:** choose the method for data collection... (a) interviews, (b) focus groups, (c) questionnaires, (d) employee logs, (e) observation, (f) combinations
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **phase 3: use of job analysis information**
job descriptions, job specifications, job standards, competency models
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **HRM activities that rely on job analysis** | (there are 10)
(1) careful study of jobs to improve employee productivity levels; (2) elimination of unnecessary job requirements that can cause discrimination in employment; (3) creation of job advertisements used to generate a pool of qualified applicants; (4) matching of job applicants to job requirements; (5) planning of future human resource requirements; (6) determination of employee onboarding and training needs; (7) fair and equitable compensation of employees; (8) identification of realistic and challenging performance standards; (9) redesign of jobs to improve performance, morale, and quality of work life; (10) fair and accurate appraisal of employee performance
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job analysis questionnaires**
checklists used to collect information about jobs, working conditions, and other performance-related information in a uniform manner
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job code**
a code that uses numbers, letters, or both to provide a quick summary of the job and its content
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job description**
a recognized list of functions, tasks, accountabilities, working conditions, and competencies for a particular occupation or job; key parts of a job description: - job identity, - job summary, - duties and responsibilities, - working conditions, - approvals
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job summary**
summarizes the job in a few sentences (indicates what the job is and how the job is done); explains what the job requiress (each major duty is described in terms of the actions expected)
reviewed by jobholders and supervisors
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job design**
identification of job duties, characteristics, competencies, and sequences, taking into consideration technology, workforce, organization character, and environment; key considerations include: organizational, ergonomic, employee, job specialization, and environmental considations
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job enlargement**
adding more tasks to a job to increase the job cycle and draw on a wider range of employee skills
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job enrichment**
adding more responsibilities and autonomy to a job, giving the worker greater powers to plan, do, and evaluate job performance
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job families**
groups of different jobs that are closely related by similar duties, responsibilities, skills, or job elements
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job identity**
the key part of a job description, including job title, location, code, and status; National Occupational Classification (NOC); skill level and skill type; industry and occupational mobility
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job performance standards**
the work performance level expected from an employee; includes objectives or targets for employee efforts and criteria for measuring job success; sources of standards: (1) job analysis information and (2) alternative sources (i.e., industry standards)
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job rotation**
moving employees from one job to another to allow them more variety and to learn new skills
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job specification**
a written statement that explains the human knowledge skills, abilities, and other characteristics/attributes (KSAOs) needed to do a job; includes experience, specific tools, actions, education and training required; includes physical and mental demands on jobholders
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **National Occupational Classification (NOC)**
an occupational classification created by the federal government, using skill level and skill types of jobs
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **observation**
an approach to collecting job- and performance-related information by direct observation of jobholders by a specialist
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **position**
a collection of tasks and responsibilities performed by an individual; single position | i.e. 1 supervisor, 2 animators, and 7 programmers = 10 positions, 3 jobs
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **social expectations**
the larger society’s expectations about job challenge, working conditions, and quality of work life
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **task identity**
the feeling of responsibility or pride that results from doing an entire piece of work, not just a small part of it
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **task significance**
knowing that the work one does is important to others in the organization or to outsiders
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **variety**
an attribute of jobs wherein the worker has the opportunity to use different skills and abilities, or perform different activities
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **work flow**
the sequence of and balance between jobs in an organization needed to produce the firm’s goods or services
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **work practices**
the set ways of performing work in an organization
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **working conditions**
facts about the situation in which the worker acts; includes physical environment, hours, hazards, travel requirements, and so on, associated with a job
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job characteristics model** | 5 job charactertistics, 3 psychological states, 4 outcomes
**5 job characteristics (employee considerations):** - variety, task identity, task significance, - autonomy, - feedback **3 psychological states:** - meaningfulness of work - responsibility of work outcomes - knowledge of results of work **4 outcomes:** - high motivation - high performance - high satisfaction - low absenteeism and turnover
# *Ch 2: Job Analysis & Design* **job specialization**
increase quality of work life by including: (1) job rotation (2) job enlargement (3) job enrichment (4) employee involvement and work teams
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **attrition**
loss of employees due to their voluntary departures from the firm through resignation, retirement, or death
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)**
provides up to 10-year projection of Canadian economy and human resource needs
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **consultant** | (source service provider)
hired to provide expert advice and counsel in a particular area
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **contract (or contingent) worker**
a freelancer (self-employed, temporary, or leased employee) who is not part of the regular workforce who provides goods or services to another entity under the terms of a specific contract
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **outsourcing** | outsource
contracting tasks to outside agencies or persons
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **crowdsourcing** | crowdsource
the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **co-source**
a form of contracting that brings an external team to support and work with an internal team
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **promotion**
movement of an employee from one job to another that is higher in pay, responsibility, and/or organizational level
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **Delphi technique**
the soliciting of predictions about specified future events from a panel of experts, using repeated surveys until convergence in opinions occurs; surveys of groups of experts, summaries are shared back with the group, and they are surveyed again until opinions converge | this is one form of 3 expert projection forecasts
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **employee self-service (ESS)**
a feature of an HRIS that allows employees to access and view their own records and make changes where applicable
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **enterprise-wide systems**
systems that link an organization’s entire software application environment into a single enterprise solution
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **extrapolation**
extending past rates of change into the future | this is one form of 3 trend projection forecasts
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **flexible retirement**
programs that provide retirees with the opportunity to work after they have retired and provide them with significant flexibility in terms of how they work, what they work on, when they work, and where; target those employees close to retirement to extend their contributions (e.g., retiree return)
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **forecasts**
estimates of future resource needs and changes
# *Ch 3: HR planning* forecasting | identifying the cause that will drive demand
strategic plan; demographic impacts; turnover; legal changes; technological changes; competitors; budgets and revenue forecats; new ventures; organizational and job design
# *Ch 3: HR planning* forecasting techniques | for estimating HR demand
**expert:** - informal and instant decisions - formal expert survey - Delphi technique **trend:** - extrapolation - indexation - statistical analysis **other:** - budget and planning analysis - new venture analysis - simulation models
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **budget and planning analysis**
organizations that need HR planning generally have detailed budgets and long-range plans | this is one form of other forecasting methods
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **new venture analysis**
planners estimate HR needs by making comparisons with similar operations | this is one form of other forecasting methods
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **simulation and predictive models**
more sophisticated approaches | other forecasting methods
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **full-time employees**
employees who work 37.5 to 40 hours in a workweek
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **human resource accounting (HRA)**
a process to measure the present cost and value of human resources as well as their future worth to the organization
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **human resource information system (HRIS)**
a system that gathers, analyzes, summarizes, and reports important data for formulating and implementing strategies by HR specialists and line managers; collects, records, stores, analyses, and retrieves data concerning an organization's HR | stakeholders = HR professionals, managers, and employees
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **choosing a human resource information system (HRIS)** | what are the key considerations?
key considerations: - size - information that needs to be captured - volume of information transmitted - firm's objectives - technical capabilities - reporting capabilities
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **access to human resource information system (HRIS)**
determining who should have access and who should have the right to change input data with consideration for privacy
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **human resource information system (HRIS) as a tool for strategic HRM**
- increasded efficiency (enhanced service delivery) - increased effectiveness (helping stakeholders make better decisions) - increased contribution to organizational sustainability (talent management) - increased visibility (enhanced HR competencies)
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **human resource planning**
determine future HR requirements and the business processes that will be needed to support and enable those resources by anticipating future business demands, analyzing the impacts of these demands on the organization, determining the current availability of HR and the applicable business processes, and making decisions on how to effectively adapt and utilize firms’ HR; forecasts an organization's future demand for and supply of employees, and matches supply with demand; HR department contributes to success: - proper staffing is critical - different strategies require varying HR plans - HR planning facilitates proactive responses - successful tactical plans require HR plans - HR planning can vary from capturing basic information to live-time predictive analytics | HR plans can vary in sophistaction across organizations
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **steps in the workforce planning process** | (5 steps)
**step 1:** forecast demand for resources; **step 2:** assess supply of resources; **step 3:** develop HR objectives; **step 4:** design and implement workforce systems to balance demand and supply; **step 5:** establish and conduct evaluation
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **no formal planning** | (HR planning)
small companies where HR activities may be done in a reactionary way
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **basic planning** | (HR planning)
companies recognizing the need to plan for HR activities; may engage in a mix of proactive and reactionary planning focus on the short term (1-2 years)
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **advanced planning** | (HR planning)
direct tie between strategy and HR planning anticipating needs 3-5 years in advance
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **sophisticated planning** | (HR planning)
senior HR professionals are integral to the strategic process with planning for 5+ years out relying on strong expertise and technologies to support planning
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **relationship between strategic and HR plans**
corporate strategic plan & corporate goals > lead to HR strategy *and* corporate operational/tactical plan > lead to HR operational/tactical plan HR strategy will also influence coprorate plans and goals
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **indexation**
a method of estimating future employment needs by matching employment growth with a selected index, such as the ratio of production employees to sales; matching employment growth with an index (i.e., ratio of production employees to sales) | this is one form of 3 trend projection forecasts
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **statistical analysis**
more sophisticated statistical analyses allow for changes in the underlying causes of demand | this is one form of 3 trend projection forecasts
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **intranet**
an organization-specific internal computer network
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **job sharing**
a plan whereby available work is spread among all workers in a group to reduce the extent of layoffs when production requirements cause a substantial decline in available work
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **labour market analysis** | (#1 of 2 external supply estimates)
the study of a firm’s labour market to evaluate the present or future availability of different types of workers | (#1 of 2 external supply estimates)
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **labour shortage**
insufficient supply of qualified talent to fill the demand for labour
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **management or leadership inventory**
comprehensive report of available management capabilities in the organization
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **manager self-service (MSS)**
a feature of an HRIS that allows managers to view and access their employees’ records and add relevant information
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **Markov analysis** | (#1 of 3 internal supply estimates)
forecast of a firm’s future human resource supplies, using transitional probability matrices reflecting historical or expected movements of employees across jobs
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **nominal group technique**
a focused group discussion where members (managers) meet face-to-face or digitally, write down their ideas, and share them; all new thoughts on a topic are recorded and ranked for importance (by the group) | this is one form of 3 expert projection forecasts
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **outplacement**
assisting employees to find jobs with other employers
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **outsourcing**
contracting tasks to outside agencies or persons
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **part-time employees**
persons working fewer than the required hours for categorization as full-time workers and who are ineligible for many supplementary benefits offered by employers
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **phased retirement**
gradual phase-in to retirement without loss or reduction of pension benefits
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **predictive analysis**
the process of selecting, exploring, analyzing, and modelling data to create better business outcomes
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **replacement charts**
visual representations of who will replace whom when a job opening occurs
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **replacement summaries**
lists of likely replacements for each job and their relative strengths and weaknesses
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **skills inventories**
summaries of each worker’s knowledge, skills, abilities, experiences, and other attributes
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **staffing table**
a list of anticipated employment openings for each type of job
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **talent management**
“a systemic attraction, identification, development, engagement/retention, and deployment of those individuals with high potential who are of particular value to the organization”
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **transition matrices** | (#1 of 3 internal supply estimates)
describe the probabilities of how quickly a job position turns over and what an incumbent employee may do over a forecast period of time, such as stay in the current position, move to another position within the firm, or accept a job in another organization
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **work arrangement**
a firm’s use of work hours, schedules, and location to ensure that the goals of the organization and the needs of employees are optimally met
# *Ch 3: HR planning* ***internal* supply indicators** | (HR tools to estimate supply of labour)
1) HR audits (skill inventories, management inventories, replacemnet charts/summaries); 2) transition matrices & Markov analysis
# *Ch 3: HR planning* ***external* supply indicators** | (HR tools to estimate supply of labour)
1) labour market analysis 2) community attitudes (affects nature of the labour market) 3) demographic trends
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **demographic trends** | (#3 out of 3 external supply indicators)
affects the availability of external supply; ESDC publishes labour force projections; Statistics Canada publishes reports; Canadian Occupational Projection System (COPS)
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **strategies to manage an oversupply of HR** | (3 main strategies/categories)
when the internal supply of workers exceeds the firm's demand, a surplus exists; there are various HR strategies... **(1) headcount reduction:** - layoffs - leave without pay - incentives for voluntary separation - termination **(2) attrition:** - hiring freeze - early and phased retirement officers **(3) alternative work arrangements:** - job sharing - using part-time employees
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **strategies to manage a shortage of employees** | (4 main strategies/categories)
**(1) hire employees:** - full-time - part-time - temporary **(2) source service providers:** - independent contractor (freelancer; self-employed) - third party - outsource - crowdsource **(3) develop employees internally:** - replacement charts - succession planning - career development - float and transfer **(4) existing work arrangements:** - overtime - flexible schedules - flexible time and location - flex policies
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **float and transfer**
movement of an employee from one job to another that is relatively equal in pay, responsibility, and organizational level
# *Ch 3: HR planning* **program measurement and evaluation**
the final step in the planning process is to evaluate workforce planning activities against organizational goals; e.g., were vacancies in key roles reduced? was the target of internal or external recruits achieved? | improvement should be measured year over year
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **alternate work arrangements**
nontraditional work arrangements (e.g., flextime, telecommuting) that provide more flexibility to employees while meeting organizational goals
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **apprenticeships**
a form of on-the-job training in which junior employees learn a trade from an experienced person
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **awareness training**
training employees to develop their understanding of the need to manage and value diversity
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR)**
a justified business reason for discriminating against a member of a protected class; also known as bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* ***Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (CCHRF)***
federal law enacted in the Constitution Act in 1982, guaranteeing individuals equal rights before the law; Charter provides fundamental rights to every Canadian: (1) freedom of conscience and religion; (2) freedom of thought, belief, opinion, and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication; (3) freedom of peaceful assembly; (4) freedom of association
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **infringements**
when a person challenges an infringement of their rights, the dispute may be settled by a tribunal, or in court; courts interpret and apply the Constitution and legislation (federal and provincial), and develop and apply the common law (i.e., precedents); every province and territory has lower courts, which are the first to hear a case and make a ruling; cases may proceed to provincial higher courts, to courts of appeal, and ultimately, to the *Supreme Court of Canada (SCC)*; the SCC only hears cases of public importance or national significance and is the ultimate interpreter of the Charter
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **Human Rights Legislation**
unlike employment laws, which impact a single HR activity at a time, human rights legislation affects nearly every HR function; human rights legislation is about not treating any Canadians differently because of their membership in a protected group - membership in a protected group is defined in the *Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms*
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* ***Canadian Human Rights Act***
a federal law prohibiting discrimination; applies to all federal government departments and agencies, Crown corporations, and business and industry falling under federal jurisdiction (e.g., banks, airlines, railways, interprovincial communication); each province has its own antidiscrimination law
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **prohibited grounds of discrimination**
*Canadian Human Rights Act:* (1) race & colour (2) national or ethnic origin (3) religion (4) gender identity (5) sex & sexual orientation (6) age (7) marital and family status (8) disability (9) pardoned convicts
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* ***Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)***
supervises the implementation and adjudication of the *Canadian Human Rights Act*
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **concentration**
a condition that exists when a department or employer has a greater proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer’s labour market
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **diversity and inclusion audits**
audits to uncover underlying dimensions, causes, interdependencies, and progress-to-date on diversity and inclusion matters
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)**
**diversity** is recognizing the presence of difference; **equity** is ensuring access to the same opportunities; and **inclusion** is about welcoming and valuing all people
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) training programs**
training programs aimed at importing new skills to motivate and manage a diverse, fair, and inclusive workforce
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **strategic importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)**
a combination of factors have fundamentally changed the way Canadian organizations work and who they employ: (1) changing workforce (2) importance of human capital (3) increasing role of work teams (4) diversity as a competitive advantage
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives** | (6 categories)
**(1) Inclusive Internal Systems:** - HR and senior mgmt commitment to inclusion - communication, hiring, and reward structures promote inclusion **(2) Diversity and Inclusion Training Programs:** - awareness training - skill-building training - content vs. process training **(3) Alternate Work Arrangements:** - non-traditional work arrangements - provide more flexibility to employees **(4) Apprenticeships:** - a form of on-the-job training - learn from an experienced person **(5) Support Groups:** - provide emotional support to new employee who shares a common attribute with the group **(6) Communication Standards:** - formal internal protocols - eliminate biases in communication
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **duty to accommodate**
requirement that an employer must accommodate the employee to the point of “undue hardship”
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **Employment Equity Act**
federal law to remove employment barriers and to promote equality; employers with 100+ employees under federal jurisdiction must develop and submit annual plans for removing employment barriers and promoting equity with members of these four groups: (1) women; (2) persons with a disability; (3) Aboriginal people; (4) visible minorities
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **employment equity programs**
developed by employers to undo past employment discrimination or to ensure equal employment opportunity in the future; called "affirmative action programs" in the United States
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **major steps for employment equity programs**
- exhibit commitment - appoint director 1. Publicize Commitment 2. Survey the Workforce 3. Develop Goals & Timetables 4. Design Specific Programs 5. Establish Controls
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **pay equity**
equal pay for work of equal value; federally, and in most provinces, it is illegal to pay women less than men if their jobs are of equal value; the implication for HR is to be very certain wage and salary systems do not discriminate; two major cases: (1) federal government settled in 1999 at a cost of over $3.5 billion, (2) Supreme Court of Canada ruling in 2011 involving Canada Post is expected to cost $250 million
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **reverse discrimination**
usually arises when an employer seeks to hire or promote a member of a protected group over an equally (or better) qualified candidate who is not a member of a protected group; places HR departments in difficult position; *Canadian Human Rights Act* declares *Employment Equity Programs* non-discriminatory if they fulfil the spirit of the law
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **glass ceiling**
invisible but real obstructions to career advancement of women and people of visible minorities; resulting in frustration, career dissatisfaction, and increased turnover
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **harassment**
treating an employee in a disparate manner because of that person’s sex, race, religion, age, or other protected classification
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **mentoring programs**
programs encouraging members of disadvantaged groups (i.e., women) to work with a senior manager who acts like a friend and guide in achieving career success
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **old boys’ network**
informal relationships among male managers and executives; providing increased career advancement opportunities for men and reinforcing a male culture
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **pet to threat**
shared experience by many Black women that the mentors and managers who once supported them... later undermine them because they are perceived as a threat or competition
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **provincial human rights laws**
all provinces have their own human rights laws with discrimination criteria, regulations, and procedures
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **reasonable accommodation**
voluntary adjustments to work or workplace that allow employees with special needs to perform their job effectively
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **regulations**
legally enforceable rules developed by governmental agencies to ensure compliance with laws that the agency administers
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **enforcement**
*Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)* is responsible for enforcement of the *Canadian Human Rights Act*; Canadian provinces and territories generally have their own human rights laws and human rights commissions with similar discrimination criteria, regulations, and procedures
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **sexual harassment**
unsolicited or unwelcome sex- or gender-based conduct that has adverse employment consequences for the complainant
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **employer retaliation**
it is a criminal act to retaliate against employees who file human rights charges
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **skill-building training**
training employees in interpersonal skills to correctly respond to cultural differences in the workplace
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **stereotyping**
the process of using a few observable characteristics to assign someone to a preconceived social category; grouping people based on commonalities without consideration of their individuality and capabilities
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **support groups**
groups of employees who provide emotional support to a new employee who shares a common attribute with the group (e.g., racial or ethnic membership)
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **direct discrimination**
on grounds specified in the human rights legislation—is illegal; legal discrimination: bona fide occupational requirement (BFOR) - but there is a duty to accommodate to the point of undue hardship
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **systemic discrimination** | a.k.a. indirect discrimination
any company policy, practice, or action that is not openly or intentionally discriminatory, but has an indirect discriminatory impact or effect; examples: - minimum height and weight requirements - minimum scores on employment tests - promotion criteria that favours seniority
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **tribunal**
an administrative body for dispute resolution that has authority in a specific area
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **underutilization**
a condition that exists when a department or employer has a lesser proportion of members of a protected class than are found in the employer’s labour market
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **undue hardship**
when accommodation is not possible because it would cost too much or create health or safety risks
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **workplace diversity**
includes important human characteristics that influence employee values, their perceptions of self and others, behaviours, and interpretations of events
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **workplace policies**
current, ethical, and effective HR policies serve many purposes: - outlining expectations in the workplace (e.g., unacceptable behaviours, safe work practices) - meeting statutory requirements, such as having a working alone policy in Alberta or a workplace violence policy in Ontario - outlining how to address complaints, problems, and grievances - helping to protect employees from their colleagues’ poor behaviour and from misdeeds by the organization - helping to train and develop employees by explaining acceptable parameters - outlining breaks, vacations, and statutory holidays which may meet or exceed requirements from employment standards to eligible employees
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **types of HR policies**
- Harassment (aka respectful workplace, code of conduct) - Attendance, leave, and break policies - Occupational health and safety - Workplace violence - Remote work - Technology use - Social media - Substance use - Confidentiality - Theft
**other legal challenges**
- Canada Labour Code - Dismissal - Minimum wages - Occupational health and safety - Weekly day of rest - WHMIS HR is responsible for knowing and enforcing the laws and for developing policies to advise on acceptable behaviours and procedures to follow when issues arise
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **privacy legislation**
relatively newer legislation relating to the collection, storage, and access to personal information about employees; includes information about race or national or ethnic origin, religion, age or marital status, medical and employment history, finances, DNA, identifying numbers (e.g., SIN), views and opinions about a person as an employee, but not business info; Two sets of privacy legislation: (1) *Privacy Act* = right to access and correct personal information the GOC holds (2) *Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)* = sets rules for how many organizations collect, use and disclose personal information in Canada
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **Canadian Employment Legislation**
- Employment and Labour Standards - Human Rights - Privacy Legislation - Legislative foundations in employment and labour settings - Policies, substance abuse testing, workplace violence
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **which employment laws apply?**
3 questions guide HR on which employment laws apply: (1) Is the person an employee of the company or an independent contractor? (2) Is the organization provincially or federally regulated? (3) Is the employee unionized or nonunionized?
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **(1) Is the person an employee of the company or an independent contractor?**
employee vs. independent contract... if the worker signs a contract, they may be legally considered as an employee and entitled to the minimum standars (e.g., paid vacation days, overtime pay); court considers 3 factors: - level of control (over work hours and performance) - ownership of tools and equipement - opportunity for profit and risk loss
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **(2) Is the organization provincially or federally regulated?**
federal employment laws cover about 10% of Canadian employees who work in federally-regulated industries (e.g., banks, postal service, federal government); the Canada Labour Code covers the minimum employment standards (e.g., minimum wage, termination provisions) for all employees in federally regulated industries; also applies to businesses in the territories and on First Nations reserves, and certain Crown Corporations; 90% of Canadian employees fall under provincial legislation (the employment laws of the province employees work in apply)
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **(3) Is the employee unionized or nonunionized?**
each province has its own employment standards act or code that defines minimum standards; unionized employees are covered under each province’s labour laws (labour relations acts set rules for how unions and employers will organize and collectively bargain to determine the minimum employment standards)
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **HR is responsible for determining which employment laws apply to each employee, and:**
staying abreast of the laws and interpretation of the laws by regulatory bodies and court rulings; developing programs to ensure company compliance; pursuing their traditional roles of obtaining, maintaining, and retaining an optimal workforce (in light of laws and societal objectives)
# *Ch 4: Legal Issues and DEI* **are there exemptions for employment laws?**
these vary by province; may include farmers, municipal police, inmates, politicians, family members working in a family business
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **recruitment**
the process of finding and attracting capable applicants to apply for employment and accept job offers that are extended to them | matching firms with jobs to people seeking jobs
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **the recruitment process**
(1) identify job openings, (2) review job specifications, (3) examine the desired characteristics of recruits, (4) determine recruitment methods (5) obtain pool of recruits, (6) maintain applicant interest during selection (7) persuade chosen candidates to accept the job
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **strategic importance of recruitment**
(1) competitive advantage from HR, (2) benefits of diversity, (3) focusing on employee development, (4) investing resources into recruitment
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **selection**
the identification of candidates from a pool of applicants (recruits) who best meet job requirements, using tools such as application blanks, tests, and interviews
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **competitive advantage**
an advantage that exists when the firm is able to deliver the same value and benefits as competitors but at a lower cost (cost advantage), or when the firm is able to deliver unique value or benefits that exceed those of competing products (differentiation advantage)
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **organizational policies** | 4 types of policies
internal policies that affect recruitment, such as: (1) “promote-from-within” policies, (2) compensation policies, (3) employment status policies, (4) international hiring policies
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **human resource plan (HR plan)**
a firm’s overall plan to fill existing and future vacancies, including decisions on whether to fill internally or to recruit from outside
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **internal recruiting** | 3 pros & 3 cons
pros: (1) employee is familiar with the organization, (2) employee is “known” (fit with the organization as well as past performance as an indicator of future success), (3) improves employee morale & motivation - cons: (1) internal competition can reduce cooperation, (2) no “new blood” (so can prevent creative solutions), (3) poor morale (possible turnover) of employees not promoted
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **external recruiting** | 2 pros & 4 cons
pros: (1) able to acquire skills and knowledge that may not be available within, (2) newer ideas and novel ways of solving problems may emerge - cons: (1) newcomers may not fit in, (2) newcomers take longer to learn about the organization, (3) usually more expensive, (4) lowered morale and motivation of current employees
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **recruiter habits**
the propensity of a recruiter to rely on methods, systems, or behaviours that led to past recruitment success
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **costs**
expenses related to attracting recruits
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **inducements**
monetary, nonmonetary, or even intangible incentives used by a firm to attract recruits
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **resumé (resume or CV):**
brief voluntary listing of an applicant’s work experience, education, personal data, and other information relevant to the job
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **applicant tracking system (ATS)**
a database of potential candidates that enables a good match between job requirements and applicant characteristics and also enlarges the recruitment pool
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **job application form**
a company’s form that is completed by a job applicant, indicating the applicant’s contact information, education, prior employment, references, special skills, and other details pertaining to the position | may make education credentials and employment gaps more apparent
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **direct inquiries**
job seekers who arrive at or submit online to the organization in search of a job without prior referrals and not in response to a specific ad
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **employee referrals**
recommendations by present employees to the recruiter about possible job applicants for a position
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **ads**
advertisements in a newspaper, magazine, etc., that solicit job applicants for a position; common and effective method of seeking recruits; layout, design, and copy of an ad should reflect the image and character of the company | cost is determined by the size, modality, location, & distribution
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **blind ads**
job ads that do **not** identify the employer
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)**
federal department (4th largest in the Canadian government) that provides programs and services for employers and present and potential employees
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **placement agencies**
hope to attract applicants through advertising
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **professional search firms**
agencies that, for a fee, recruit specialized personnel for a company; actively seek out recruits from among the employees of other companies (direct contact is their primary tool, not advertising) | they are more specialized than placement agencies
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **educational institutions**
high schools, technical schools, community colleges, and universities where applicants for job positions are sought | common source of recruits
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **alumni associations**
associations of alumni of schools, colleges, or other training facilities | common source of recruits
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **temporary-help agencies**
agencies that provide supplemental workers for temporary vacancies caused by employee leave, sickness, etc.; the temporary workers actually work for the agency and are “on loan” to the requesting employer
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **“boomerang employee”**
an employee who leaves a company to pursue another job or venture and is later rehired
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **buy-back**
a method of convincing an employee who is about to resign to stay in the employ of the organization, typically by offering an increased wage or salary; original employer outbids the new job offer
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **job fairs**
trade-show-style fairs with many employers showcasing their companies and jobs to potential recruits
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **constraints on recruitment**
(1) organizational policies, (2) human resource plans (which jobs should be filled by external recruiting vs. internally?), (3) diversity and inclusion (consider employment equity programs), (4) recruiter habits (a recruiter’s past success can lead to habits), (5) environmental considerations (leading economic indicators, predicted vs. actual sales, and employment statistics), (6) job requirements (job analysis information is useful), (7) costs (of identifying and attracting recruits), (8) inducements (monetary, nonmonetary, or even intangible incentives used by a firm to attract recruits)
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **recruitment methods**
(1) direct inquiries, (2) employee referrals, (3) advertising, (4) digital recruiting, (5) social media, (6) Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), (7) private employment agencies, (8) professional search firms, (9) educational institutions, (10) professional & labour organizations, (11) Canadian Forces, (12) temporary-help agencies, (13) departing and past employees, (14) job fairs (15) contract workers, (16) recruitment abroad
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **how does a recruiter choose which recruiting methods to use?**
consider: (1) how many recruits are needed? (2) what is the skill level required? (3) what sources are available? (4) what has worked in the past? (5) how much is the budget? (6) are there labour agreements that specify recruitment options?
# *Ch 5: Recruitment* **evaluating recruitment**
consider: (1) cost per hire (the dollar cost per person hired), (2) the quality of hires (people hired) and cost, (3) offers-applicants ratio (ratio between the number of job offers and total applicants for each recruitment method), (4) time lapsed per hire (time taken to fill a position)
# *Ch 6: Selection* **ability tests**
tests that assess an applicant’s capacity or aptitude to function in a certain way
# *Ch 6: Selection* **behavioural description interviews** | (type of structured interviews)
interviews that attempt to find out how job applicants responded to specific work situations in the past; the best predictor of future behaviour is past behaviour
# *Ch 6: Selection* **biographical information blank (BIB)**
a type of application blank that uses a multiple-choice format to measure a job candidate’s education, experiences, opinions, attitudes, and interests
# *Ch 6: Selection* **compensatory approach**
an approach where a higher score on a predictor may compensate for a low score on another
# *Ch 6: Selection* **computer-interactive performance tests**
performance tests using computer simulations that can measure skills, comprehension, spatial visualization, judgment, etc.
# *Ch 6: Selection* **differential validity**
test validation process aimed at discovering the validity of a test for various subgroups, e.g., females and members of visible minorities
# *Ch 6: Selection* **drug tests**
tests that determine whether a job applicant uses marijuana, cocaine, or other drugs
# *Ch 6: Selection* **employment interview**
a formal, in-depth, face-to-face meeting (or, more recently, a phone or video conference) between an employer and a job applicant to assess the appropriateness of the applicant for the job under consideration; most widely used selection technique: - allows a personal impression - opportunity to sell a job to a candidate - opportunity to answer candidate’s questions - effective public relations tool - popular due to flexibility and creates two-way exchange - flaw relates to varying reliability and validity
# *Ch 6: Selection* **employment references**
evaluations of an employee’s past work performance and job-relevant behaviours provided by past employers
# *Ch 6: Selection* **employment tests**
devices that assess the probable match between applicants and job requirements
# *Ch 6: Selection* **integrity tests**
employment tests that measure an applicant’s honesty and trustworthiness
# *Ch 6: Selection* **interviewee errors**
may be trying to cover job-related weaknesses or nervousness; interviewee mistakes such as... boasting, playing games (acting nonchalant), talking too much, not listening, or not being prepared (unprepared), that reduce the validity and usefulness of an interview
# *Ch 6: Selection* **interviewer errors**
mistakes like biases and domination that reduce the validity and usefulness of the job interview
# *Ch 6: Selection* **knowledge tests**
tests that measure a person’s information or knowledge
# *Ch 6: Selection* **medical evaluation**
assessment of physical and/or mental health of an applicant through self-reports and/or medical examination by a preferred physician
# *Ch 6: Selection* **multiple cut-off approach**
an approach where scores are set for each predictor and each applicant is evaluated on a pass–fail basis
# *Ch 6: Selection* **panel interview**
an interview using several interviewers with one applicant
# *Ch 6: Selection* **performance tests**
tests that measure the ability of job applicants to perform specific components of the job for which they are to be hired
# *Ch 6: Selection* **personality tests**
questionnaires designed to reveal aspects of an individual’s character or temperament
# *Ch 6: Selection* **realistic job preview (RJP)**
involves showing the candidate the type of work, equipment, and working conditions involved in the job before the hiring decision is final
# *Ch 6: Selection* **reference letters**
written evaluations of a person’s job-relevant skills, past experience, and work-relevant attitudes
# *Ch 6: Selection* **reliability**
a selection device’s ability to yield consistent results over repeated measures; also, internal consistency of a device or measure
# *Ch 6: Selection* **selection process**
a series of specific steps used by an employer to **decide which recruits should be hired**; begins when recruits apply for employment and ends with the hiring decision
# *Ch 6: Selection* **selection ratio**
the ratio of the number of applicants hired to the total number of applicants available
# *Ch 6: Selection* **situational interviews** | (type of structured interviews)
interviews that attempt to assess a job applicant’s likely future response to specific situations, which may or may not have been faced by the applicant in the past; focus on situations likely to arise on the job; applicants asked what they would do
# *Ch 6: Selection* **stress-producing interviews** | (type of structured interviews)
rapid questioning to assess how applicants handle stressful situations
# *Ch 6: Selection* **situational judgment test**
a test that places applicants in hypothetical scenarios and asks them to indicate how they would respond from a list of alternatives
# *Ch 6: Selection* **stages of an interview** | (typical interview)
key phases in an employment interview: (1) interviewer preparation, (2) creation of rapport, (3) information exchange, (4) termination of interview, and (4) evaluation of candidate
# *Ch 6: Selection* **structured interviews**
interviews wherein a predetermined set of questions usually asked of all applicants is used; may improve reliability and validity over traditional unstructured interviews
# *Ch 6: Selection* **subjective approach**
an approach where the decision maker looks at the scores received by the various applicants on predictors, subjectively evaluates all of the information, and comes to an overall judgment
# *Ch 6: Selection* **unstructured interviews**
interviews using few if any planned questions to enable the interviewer to pursue, in depth, the applicant’s responses; lacks the reliability of a structured interview
# *Ch 6: Selection* **validity**
a key attribute of a selection device that indicates its accuracy and relationship to job-relevant criteria
# *Ch 6: Selection* **validity generalization**
using validity evidence accumulated for other jobs or applicant populations to guide employment test choices until local validation study results can be acquired
# *Ch 6: Selection* **weighted application blank**
a job application form in which various items are given differential weights to reflect their relationship to criterion measures
# *Ch 6: Selection* **halo effect** | (in interview context)
interviewers who use limited information about an applicant to bias their evaluation of that person's other characteristics are subject to the halo effect; some information about the candidate plays a disproportionate part in the final evaluation of the candidate
# *Ch 6: Selection* **leading questions** | (in interview context)
interviewers who "telegraph" the desired answer by the way they frame their questions
# *Ch 6: Selection* **stereotypes** | (in interview context)
interviewers who harbour prejudice against specific groups are exhibiting a personal bias based on stereotypical thinking
# *Ch 6: Selection* **interviewer domination** | (in interview context)
interviewers who use the interview to oversell the applicant, brag about their successes, or carry on a social conversation instead of an interview
# *Ch 6: Selection* **contrast errors** | (in interview context)
when interviewers compare candidates to those who came before instead of to an objective standard
# *Ch 6: Selection* **strategic significance of selection**
1. successful execution of an organization's strategy depends on the calibre of its employees 2. an organization's selection decisions must reflect job requirements 3. selection strategy must be well integrated with organizational priorities 4. selection strategy must recognize organizational constraints 5. selection strategy should recognize labour market realities (selection ratio) 6. selection practices must be ethical
# *Ch 6: Selection* **relationship between selection strategy and other organizational variables**
these 5 variables have a strong, **short-term** influence on selection strategy: 1. results of job analysis 2. HR plans 3. organizational policies and constraints 4. quality and number of recruits 5. ethical guidelines selection strategy has a strong, **short-term** influence on these 6 variables: 1. orientation 2. training 3. career planning 4. performance evaluation 5. compensation 6. collective bargaining ^and the 6 variables have a **longer-term** influence on selection strategy
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 1: Preliminary Reception of Applicants** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
- Initial contact with applicants - Walk-ins may receive preliminary interview - Write-ins often receive letter or email of acknowledgment - This step has disappeared in many organizations with the increasing use of Internet recruitment
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 2: Applicant Screening** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
- Goal: Remove applicants who do not meet qualifications - Weighted application blanks (WAB) - Ensure application is useful and meets legal requirements - Biographical information blanks (BIB)
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 3: Administration of Employment Tests** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
**Types of Tests:** - Personality Tests - Ability Tests; Knowledge Tests - Performance Tests (e.g., Situational Judgment Tests, Assessment Centres, Computer-interactive Tests) - Integrity Tests **Reliability** **Validity** - empirical approaches (predictive validity, concurrent validity) - rational approaches (content validity, construct validity, differential validity)
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 4: Employment Interviews** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
**Employment Interviews** - supervisors should have input into the final hiring decision - common (and expected) as part of the selection process; covered in more detail
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 5: Realistic Job Previews** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
**Realistic Job Previews** - Shows the candidate the type of work, equipment & working conditions - Highlights positive & negative - Tends to reduce employee turnove
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 6: Verification of References** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
**Employment references** - Discuss applicant’s work history - Former supervisors may not be candid, especially with negative information - Reference letters - Background checks
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 7: Contingent Assessments** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
- Assessment of health, medical, and driving information - May be scheduled after the hiring decision - Drug tests are increasingly used but may be found to violate employee rights
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Step 8: Hiring Decision** | (Steps in the Selection Process)
**Marks the end of the selection process:** - Update HRIS - Retain applications for future **Tradeoffs among predictors:** - Subjective Approach - Multiple Cutoff Approach - Compensatory Approach
# *Ch 6: Selection* **After Selection**
**When drawing up the employment contract, pay attention to:** - Specify probationary period if applicable - Specify start date and terms of employment clearly - Specify reasonable restrictive covenants - Ensure that termination procedures are legally enforceable
# *Ch 6: Selection* **Dispositioning of Applicants**
- Throughout the selection process there will be applicants the organization no longer wishes to pursue - The organization’s decision should be communicated with these applicants at the earliest possible opportunity - Applicants who are hired should have their applications stored on the HRIS
# *Ch 6: Selection* **evaluating the selection**
Quality and productivity of the workforce - Are supervisors/peers satisfied with hires? - Are training costs increasing? - Are managers spending too much time managing new hires? - Are grievances, absences, and turnover too high? | costs incurred are at a level appropriate to the organization