HR Competencies Flashcards
Leadership approach in which the leader creates strong relationships with an inside the team; team members are motivated by loyalty 
Affiliative leadership approach
Motivation theory that states that the way a person interprets the causes for past successor, failure is related to the present level of motivation; includes theories of Heider and Weiner.
Attribution Theory
Leadership approach in which the leader proposes a bold vision or solution, and invites the team to join this challenge
Authoritative leadership approach
Category of leadership theories that states that leaders influence group members through certain behaviors; includes Blake-Mouton theory
Behavioral theories
Leadership approach in which the leader focuses on developing team member skills, believing that success comes from aligning the organizations goals with the employees, personal and professional goals
Coaching leadership approach
Leadership approach in which the leader imposes a vision or solution on the team and demands at the team follow this directive
Coercive leadership approach
Power that is created, when the leader can punish those who do not follow
Coercive power
Leadership approach in which the leader invites followers, to collaborate and commits to acting by consensus
Democratic leadership approach
Leadership theory that states that leaders are not appointed, but emerge from the group, which chooses the leader, based on interactions
Emergent theory
Theory that states that motivation is based on an employee sense of fairness; the individual compares their perceived value with that of others, and similar rules, and makes a calculation based on their inputs and outputs
Equity Theory
Motivation theory that states that effort increases in relation to one’s confidence that the behavior will result in a positive outcome and reward; includes Vroom’s theory
Expectancy theory
Power that is created, when a leader is recognized as possessing, great intelligence, insight, or experience
Expert Power
Theory that states that motivation can be increased by providing employees with goals against which they can assess their achievement
Goal-setting theory
Leadership theory that focuses on a two-way relationship between leaders and chosen employees; the leader, mentor selected team members, and give them access to more information and resources, in order to strengthen levels of trust and support
Leader-member exchange theory
Power that is created formally, through a title or position in the hierarchy that is associated with the rights of leadership
Legitimate power
Factors that initiate direct and sustain human behavior overtime
Motivation theory that states that individuals are motivated by a desire to satisfy certain needs and that understanding these needs allows leaders to offer the right incentives, and create the most motivational external environments include self-determination and theories of Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland.
Needs theory
Leadership approach in which the leader sets a model for high-performance standards and challenges followers to meet these expectations
Pacesetting leadership approach
Power that is created by the force of the leaders personality
Referent power
Power that is created when the leader can offer followers some thing they value an exchange for their commitment
Reward power
Leadership theory in which the leaders’ goal is to serve the needs of their employees; emphasizes the sharing of power
Servant leadership
Category of leadership theories that states that leaders can flex their behaviors to meet the needs of unique situations, employing both task or directive behaviors and relationship or supportive behaviors; includes Hersey-Blanchard situational leadership, Fiedler’s contingency theory, and path-goal theory.
Situational theories
Motivation theory, dealing with the amount of control in the workplace; motivation is seen as either absolutely irrelevant or absolutely critical
Theory X/Theory Y
Leadership theory that states that leaders possess certain innate characteristics that followers do not possess (and probably cannot acquire), such as physical characteristics and personality traits
Trait theory
Leadership theory that emphasizes a leaders preference for order and structure; focuses on control and short-term planning
Transactional leadership
Leadership theory that emphasizes the leaders ability to inspire employees to embrace change; leaders encourage and motivate employees to innovate and seek out changes that can add value and growth to the organization
Transformational leadership
Ability to stay true to values and maintain integrity in both personal and professional lives, and from an organizational perspective, approach to forming and maintaining relationships with colleagues and others in the organization
Exchange of anything value to gain greater influencer preference
Principles that guide decision-making and behavior in an organization
Code of conduct
Treatment of personal information that has been disclosed to another person or organization
Situation in which a person or organization may benefit from undue influence due to involvement in outside activities, relationships or investments that conflict with or have an impact on the employment relationship or it’s outcomes
Conflict of interest
Maintaining consistency between one’s values and one’s actions
An individuals right to freedom from intrusion (by viewing monitoring, reading, etc.) into matters, actions, or information that is personal
Extent to which an organizations agreements, dealings information, practices and transactions are open to disclose and review by relevant persons
Defensive behavior that occurs when an organization recruits a diverse workforce, but consciously or otherwise, promotes the simulation rather than inclusion
Additional workload that is generated for members of an underrepresented group due to their requested participation in DE&I efforts
Cultural taxation
The similarities and differences between individuals accounting for all aspects of one’s personality and individual identity
Voluntary group for employees who share a particular diversity dimension (race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, etc.) also known as affinity group or network group
Employee resource group (ERG)
A feeling that one success is due to luck, not hard work or skill; can lead individuals to feeling unfit for their current role
Impostor syndrome
Extent to which each person in an organization feels welcome, respected, supported, and value as a team member
Refers to a workforce that approaches problems, using different conceptual thought approaches that may stem from an atypical brain structure for example, attention deficit disorder(ADD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder(ADHD), and anything categorized as existing on the autism spectrum (autism, spectrum disorder, or ASD)