HR Flashcards
Objectives of Recruiting
1) Increase the size of the applicant pool
2) Increase the KSAs in the applicant pool
3) Increase the chance that applicants will remain in the pool & accept offers
4) Increase the fit of the average applicant
5) Increase new hire retention
6) Meet EEO/AA goals
Recruitment Sources
Job Posting (Internal Recruiting) Referrals or Rehires* Newspaper or Radio Ads Professional Firms (headhunters)* Employment Agencies Campus Interviews/Career Fairs Internet*: Websites (Monster, occupational), company sites, social net sites, blogs/tweets
Key Strategic Recruiting Decisions
Organization vs. outsourcing of recruitment function
Org. members (W2s) vs. contract workers (1099s)
Internal/promotion vs. external recruiting (pros & cons?)
General recruitment strategy (PR) vs. targeted recruitment
Experienced recruits vs. college recruits
Marketing info only vs. realistic job previews (RJPs)
Single purpose vs. dual-purpose (recruit & select)
Formal methods of minority recruitment vs. Informal
Timing of job offers: early (1st mover) vs. later (preferred)
What makes a good recruiter?
Someone who is FRIENDLY, knows about the job, honest, good managers, give good feedback, similar to applicants, can predict applicant acceptance
Recruiting Evaluation
Weigh costs vs. benefits of various methods based on multiple metrics (quantity and quality of applicants, affirmative action goals, time required to fill openings, job success, etc. )
Concurrent Validation
1) Job analysis
2) Decide on Performance Measures
3) Develop list of KSAs
4) Decide assessment measures for most important KSAs
5) Measure performance of current employees
6) Administer selection methods to same employees
7) Calculate correlation between selection and performance measures
8) Significant correlations indicate validity correlations >.25 indicate good validity
High validity Tools
Ability Tests, performacne tests, Weighted Application Blanks, Assessment Centers
Medium validity tools
structured interviews, Experience & Accomplishment Records, “Big Five” Personality Measures, Physical Abilities Tests*
Low Validity Tools
Unstructured Interviews. Personality Inventories (e.g., MMPI). Interest Inventories, honesty tests, Medical exams, drug tests, references and background checks, credit checks
Ways to make hiring decisions
Additive, Multiple Cutoff, Multiple Hurdle, Profile Matching
Selection Process Issues
Ongoing applicant pool? Applicant record-keeping issues? Employment Contracts?
Training Outcomes
increase KSAs, motivation, reduce turnover (NOT NOT: Solving main motivational, ability, or environmental deficits)
Phases of Training Mgmt
Needs assessment, design training, give training, evaluate training
Needs Assessment
Organizational Analysis
Task/Job Analysis
Individual Analysis
Develop Evaluation Criteria (e.g., from individual analysis)
Design Phase of Training
Preconditions: Readiness & Motivation
Select Methods
Apply Learning Principles
Behavioral Modeling - Preferred in adult ed.