HPM 11.2-Materials Management Flashcards
Reimbursing departmental employees for petty cash expenditures is limited to: (Chapter 2)
Minor purchases (up to $50, excluding sales tax, per purchase) necessary for the daily operations of the command and consistent with the goals of the Department. The fund SHALL not be used to purchase goods for social events.
A change fund or petty cash fund will be established in field offices upon Written request of the commander to:
(Chapter 2)
Fiscal Management Section/Travel/Revolving Fund Unit.
The total change fund SHALL be limited to/The petty cash fund SHALL be limited to:
(Chapter 2)
Total change fund: $100. Petty cash fund: $200. If the fund amount is inadequate, a memorandum requesting an increase must be signed by the commander and submitted to FMS, Travel/Revolving Fund Unit.
Change funds and Petty cash funds over what amount MUST be stored where?
(Chapter 2)
Total change funds: $100. Petty cash funds: $200, MUST be kept in a safe, vault, or money chest adequate to safeguard cash.
Individual petty cash fund purchases SHALL be limited to a maximum of:
(Chapter 2)
$50 (excluding sales tax). Authorization for petty cash purchases SHALL be obtained from the petty cash custodian prior to use. Under no circumstances SHALL any purchases exceed the maximum dollar limitations.
Purchase splitting:
Chapter 2
State Administrative manual prohibits splitting of purchases into a series of orders in order to circumvent the dollar limitations. For example, two or more purchases cannot be made the same day to buy items totaling over the maximum limit. Any claim including more than one voucher for the SAME vendor in the SAME day SHALL be denied reimbursement.
While utilizing the Petty cash fund, what are the authorized purchases?
(Chapter 2)
- Payment of postage (receipt required)
- Rental or PO Box
- Outgoing freight charges (shipping)
- Appointment books for special purposes
- Key making
- Self-service car washes
- Replacement of automotive hand tools
- The purchase of essential engraved signs (plastic)
- Oxygen refills, only if vendor refuses an X number
- Lock repairs, only if vendor refuses an X number
- photo development, only if low volume
- Postage for the meter, in an emergency
Total change fund SHALL be audited when?
Chapter 2
The commander SHALL designate someone to periodically audit the fund and conduct surprise audits on a quarterly basis.
Purchase receipts SHALL be obtained from the vendor whenever possible. Two copies of the receipt (original plus one copy) will be necessary to replenish the fund.
In the event of theft, with regards to Total change fund:
Chapter 3
If a theft is involved, attach a copy of the STD 99, Report of Crime/Incident on State Property-Missing/Lost Property, CHP 216, Arrest Investigatiin Report, and CHP 729, Uniform Crime Report.
Regarding the Cal-Card Program, who is the Approved Cardholder?
(Chapter 4)
The cardholder is the person whose name is on the credit card. The cardholder SHALL obtain prior approval from the commander before making any purchases.
The cardholder may not be an approving official.
The Primary and Secondary use of the Cal-Card is?
Chapter 4
The Cal-Card may be used to purchase commodities necessary for the daily operations of the Command, and when the requisition process is not feasible. Purchase SHOULD not be in conflict with the limitations listed below.
The Cal-Card program is the primary method of obtaining office and janitorial supplies from certified suppliers and/or mandatory statewide contracts.
Regarding state-owned equipment, who is responsible?
Chapter 8
All employees are accountable for state-owned equipment assigned to them or under their control and SHALL exercise reasonable and prudent care in the use, maintenance, and storage of such equipment. Control of state-owned equipment SHALL not be relinquished to anyone other than another state employee.
Can the Department accept donated property?
Chapter 8
The acceptance of donated property is forbidden unless authorized by the Department of Finance (DOF).
Each commander is responsible for conducting a physical inventory of equipment and vehicles assigned to their command how often?
(Chapter 8)
Annual Physical Inventory
Commanders will designate an employee to conduct the physical inventory.
Every effort must be made by the employee conducting the inventory to physically view each item listed. Exceptions are only allowed for items being serviced or repaired, in which case the commander or designated employee should contact the place of service or repair and confirm the item’s location/status. Documentation must be kept in the commander’s file explaining where the item is located.
Police protective, Safety, and Work equipment Policy
Chapter 10
It is the policy of this Department to adhere to and enforce all provisions of the California Vehicle Code, California Labor Code, California Government Code and the administrative regulations of Cal-OSHA pertaining to health and safety of its employees.
With regards to police protective equipment and work equipment, what can be substituted by privately owned equipment?
(Chapter 10)
Officers may substitute certain pieces of privately owned equipment for available state-issued equipment (see paragraph #6). However, the Department does not recognize the need for, nor does it encourage the use of privately-owned equipment when state-issued equipment is available. When a choice is permitted, the following regulations SHALL apply:
Officers electing to carry their own equipment do so at their own expense and risk. The Department will not repair or maintain privately-owned equipment, except in cases where the items damaged in the line of duty (California Vehicle Code Section 2259).