HPIA CQ1 - How are priority issues for Australia’s health identified? Flashcards
Students learn about (measuring health status):
- Role of epidemiology
- Measures of epidemiology (mortality, infant mortality, morbidity, life expectancy)
Students learn to (measuring health status)
Critique the use of epidemiology to describe health status by considering questions such as:
- what can epidemiology tell us?
- who uses these measures?
- do they measure everything about health status?
Use tables and graphs from the health reports to analyse current trends in life expectancy and major causes of morbidity and mortality for the general population and comparing males and females
Role of epidemiology
Study of the frequency and distribution of a disease.
Invloves measuring the health status through collection of data and info from specific groups.
Helps identify patterns of prevalence and incidence and morbidity and mortality rates of a condition.