Howard Jenny Stanley Key Quotes Flashcards
Why did Howard bye a wire recorder for?
“I bought it for dictation”
How much does Howard say the wife recorder costs?
“they’re only a hindered and a half. You can’t do without it”
What is Howard doing according to stage directions?
“[ Howard is intent on threading the machine and only glances over his shoulder as Willy appears]”
What does Howard say a business requires?
“ its a business, kid, and everybody’s gotta pull his own weight”
What does Howard say Willy’s role is?
“you’re a road man, Willy, and we do a road business”
What does Howard say a business is ?
“business is business”
How does Howard react to Willy’s desperation to be given a different position?
“[barely interested] Don’t say”
What does Howard say Willy needs?
“You need a good long rest […] And when you feel better come back”
What are the stage directions given to Howard’s wife?
[shyly, beaten]
What does Jenny say Charley becomes when Willy is around?
“Your father gets all upset when he come”
What does Jenny ask Willy and how does he respond?
“How’ve you been feeling?” WILLY:”not much any more”
What does Stanley offer Happy?
“Wherever you got a party, Mr Loman, you just tell me and I’ll put you back here”
How does Stanley describe his life?
“it’s a dogs life. I only wish during the war they’d tool me in the Army. I coulda been dead by now”
What does Stanley say is a benefit to having a family business which Happy agrees with?
“What’s the difference? Somebody steals? It’s in the family”
How does Stanley respond with. being given Willy’s money?
“[ slips the money back into his jacket pocket]”