How Well Do You Know the Funeral Rule? Flashcards
It is permissible to have a “sheltering” charge on the GPL:
Only after 3 days
The basic service fee should include staff prior to, during, and after the funeral (T/F)
The crematory fee must be included in the price for a direct cremation (T/F)
If you offer a low-cost direct cremation to compete with the local market, you may change the wording for the FTC disclosure for the nondeclinable fee from “This fee is already included…” to read “Such a fee is already included…” (T/F)
It is permissible to require “sanitary care if no embalming” (T/F)
It is permissible to have an extra charge for embalming infectious diseases (T/F)
It is permissible to have an extra charge for the disposition of infectious waste (T/F)
The casket price range on your GPL should indicate:
The caskets you typically sell and can obtain on short notice without special ordering
You may have three separate price lists - for burial caskets, cremation caskets, and alternative containers (T/F)
You may refuse to sell a cremation casket for burial (T/F)
It is legal to charge more for a memorial service than a funeral service because you’re not making any money on embalming and a viewing (T/F)
Which of the following are not required by the FTC on a GPL (don’t consider state requirements in the answer):
- Federal Identification Number
- Name(s) of owner(s)
- Funeral home name
- P.O. address
- Street address
- Town
- Phone number
- Fax number
- Toll-free number
- Website
- Contact information for a state agency handling consumer complaints
- Federal Identification Number
- Name(s) of owner(s)
- P.O. address
- Fax number
- Toll-free number
- Website
- Contact information for a state agency handling consumer complaints
You may use a cloth-covered casket as your only alternative container for cremation (T/F)
If a family wants to donate bones, eyes, or tissues, you may charge a higher price for embalming given the extra repair work that will be required (T/F)
Who should sign the Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected?
No signature required
You must save copies of your GPL for:
1 year
It is illegal to offer discount packaging, but it’s okay if you don’t get caught because everyone’s doing it (T/F)
Discount packages are acceptable
The Funeral Rule doesn’t apply to preneed sellers who aren’t funeral directors (T/F)
You must give a GPL to anyone who inquires in person, even if that person is a competitor (T/F)
You must fax or mail a GPL if requested to do so (T/F)
If you’ve already given the family a GPL once, do you have to give out another GPL if a change is being made to a preneed contract at the time of death?
You don’t have to cooperate with consumer groups doing a funeral price survey over the telephone (T/F)
You may copyright your GPL to keep others from using the information on it (T/F)
You don’t have to agree to a graveside service with an immediate burial if it is requested (T/F)
The following disclosure is required on all GPLs:
“Except in certain special cases, embalming is not required by law. Our funeral home, however, requires embalming after 24 hours or for any open-casket viewing.”
If you don’t have a casket price list, you must have at least the price labeled on each casket (T/F)
If you don’t know the cost of a cash advance item, you should leave that line blank on the Funeral Goods and Services Selected (SFCSS) (T/F)
If the consumer has purchased a funeral package, you still have to go to the trouble of listing what’s in the package on the SFGSS (T/F)
You shouldn’t put a total on the SFGSS until you know all the cash advance prices (T?F)
You should give the SFGSS to the consumer when?
At the end of the arrangements conference
Asking permission to “prepare the body” is the same as asking permission to embalm and a more delicate way to phrase it (T/F)
You may not charge a casket handling fee if a consumer supplies the casket, but you can raise your price for an immediate burial with casket supplied by the purchaser compared to what you would charge if the casket is purchased from you (T/F)
You may offer an immediate burial package and limit the choice of casket to go with it (T/F)
It is okay to have a printed GPL without prices so you can write in prices as they change (T/F)
If you are promoting preneed packages, you don’t have to give out a GPL because there isn’t any funeral yet (T/F)
One way to ensure your profit is to hike your nondeclinable fee way up and give away all other services such as a viewing or funeral for free (T/F)
It’s okay to use the word “protective” on your casket price list or outer burial container price list as long as that word is used by the manufacturer (T/F)
Even if the family did not choose a viewing and embalming, you may charge the family for “Other Preparation of the Body” (T/F)
You may require a person to sign a statement as proof that they’ve received your GPL, to cover all your legal obligations about FTC-required disclosures (T/F)
A secretary answering your phone does not have to give out prices if you don’t want her to (T/F)
But you must return the call if a secretary answering your phone doesn’t give out prices (T/F)
It’s okay to mark up cash advance items without telling the consumer in any way (T/F)
Consumers inquiring about prices must be allowed to keep which document:
General Price List
Selling outer burial containers is one requirement of the Funeral Rule (T/F)
The list of vaults on your OBC Price List should be in ascending order according to price, with the least expensive one first (T/F)
The same is true for the casket price list, with the least expensive casket listed first (T/F)
If you do not have a casket showroom and sell caskets by catalog only, then you do not need a separate casket price list (T/F)
Where should the following disclosure be printed?
“Charges are only for those items that you selected or that are required. If we are required by law or by a cemetery or crematory to use any items, we will explain the reasons in writing below.”
The Statement of Funeral Goods and Services Selected
GPL rules don’t apply if you’re selling funeral insurance
If no funeral arrangements have been discussed
You may refuse to sell an urn or casket if you are not also providing the other services (T/F)