How well did Italian government deal with internal problems from 1896 to 1915? Flashcards
How well did Italian government deal with internal problems from 1896 to 1915?
The modern state of Italy was created in 1861. Before this it was made up of 8 different states. The issues and problems that Italy took from this time can be summerised as - Problems caused by unification, political, social and economical.
Exam Board Specification: Transformismo, violence, strikes, Giolitti’s reforms, industrialistation, irredentism, Catholic Church, socialism and Red Week
- They did not appease the far left or the far right due to transformismo.
- Red week (June 1914) socialist strikes and protests against the liberal governement so the middle class didnt think the liberals strong enough to control the socialist so looked for more extreme alternatives.
- King and Pope held more power than the Prime Minister so could overrule him.
- Only 2% of people held franchise in 1896 though this rose to 25% by 1915.
- Frequent changes of government occurred due to Liberal politicians quarrelling so there was no solidarity.
- High illiteracy rate (88% in south, 42.3% in north) but his had dropped by 1914 to 65% in the south and 11% in the north
- High malaria death rates (29% south and 26% north) but these fell under the Liberal government
- Workers rights improved (day off, wage increase, child employment outlawed)
- Taxes on food were reduced
- Religious freedoms and other freedoms were introduced
- Many social reforms were bought about under Giolitti’s ministries
- Male franchise was almost universal
- Lots of emmigration to America
- Unification increased the economic divide between the north and the south.
- State held a large debt due to the wars of unification.
- Kept raising taxes - in 1900 the Italians were the most highly taxed people in Europe.
- Laissez-faire meant that little was done to improve the economic problems.
- Spent too much on the military in order to build an empire.
Problems Caused by Unification
- North South divide - nonational identity - the divide got larger under the Liberals
- Only 2% of the population spoke modern Italian so the Prime Minister was unable to speak with the people
- The Catholic Church was against the Liberal government due to the loss of the Papal States during unification and they had a lot of power and influence over the Italian people
- Italy unified without the consent of the people so many did not identify with Italy
- Too many political parties existed meaning that there were many coalitions
- Humilitaiton from the Battle of Adowa (1896)