How Was Apartheid Codified And Implemented 1948-59? Flashcards
Strengthening the National Party
Simple majority in parliament could enact a new legislation
1951 Separate Representation of Voters Act removed remaining coloured vote
Winning wider support among whites
Hendrik Verwoerd
PM 1958-66
Coordinated apartheid project
African people still saw themselves as tribal people
Race laws
Afrikaner nationalists deeply concerned about sex between white and black people
Grew from religious belief or a racial feeling
Mixed Marriages Act (1949) and Immorality Act (1950) prohibited both marriage and sex by whites across defined racial boundaries
Population Registration Act (1950)
Group Areas Act
From 1950
Damaging effect on black communities
Provided powers to eradicate African ‘locations’ or townships so that central parts of the cities and closer suburbs would be very largely in white hands
What was Sophiatown like?
First to fall victim to apartheid planners
Able to hold private land
Not subject to same restrictions as municipal townships
Relatively close to cities centre, mix of wealthy and poor
Attracted writers and journalists from Drum magazine
Reputation of a racy lifestyle made it an easy target
What was Durban like?
SAs third largest city
1/3 Indian, African and white
Indians let out land to African tenants
Africans attacked Indians who felt they were exploiting them as landlords
District six
Multi racial, largely coloured, residential and business area near the heart of Cape Town city centre
Group Areas enforced a little later, 1966
60,000 forcibly removed and resettled
Restrictions before 1948
Laws removing blacks from the franchise and limiting where they could buy land
Pass laws
Before 1948, all African men had to carry a pass if they were travelling outside reserves
Natives Abolition of Passes Act (1952) now required a reference book for each african adult-est identity and right to be in area
1952 Urban Areas Act
Gave urban rights to a minority of African people
Been born, worked in for 10years or lived for 15 in a town
Convictions under pass laws
In ten years, 3million turned into criminals for pass law. Incidents
Effectiveness of pass laws
Pass laws failed to keep Africans out of the cities
African urban population rose
People prepared to brave the pass laws in order to find work and other opportunities
Education prior to 1948
Education for the most part racially segregated
Most schools funded by govt and managed by local churches, gave only basic primary education
24% black South Africans recorded as literate in 1951 census
Bantu Education Act
1953 Extend education to African children Segregate content of education Did increase educational opportunities Some degree of literacy, numeracy and linguistic ability in order to provide workforce Should prepare for only limited roles
The Tomlinson Commission
Bantustans could be transformed by massive state investments of over £100 million
Beliefs of the Tomlinson commission
Creating a class of full time farmers by increasing the size of plot and turning communal into private tenure
Major funding for rural industries
Private enterprise should be encouraged to invest in these areas
Response to Tomlinson Commission
Verwoerd rejected
Did not believe that white SAs would support expenditure of this scale
Millions of Africans would potentially lose land and have little option but to migrate to cities to find work
Reasoning for ‘betterment’ and ‘rehabilitation’
Prioritised a policy
International concern about soil erosion
Deeply perturbed by environmental degradation and soil erosion in reserves
Thought it was undermining peasant agriculture
Would enable Africans to intensify farming without destroying land
Practice of betterment
Believed livestock was main issue
Divide pastures with barbed wire
Animals moved from paddock to paddock throughout the year to avoid over grazing
Govt officials moved rural families from scattered settlements into compact villages
Over a million forced to move and people forced to sell livestock
Moving into villages and culling of animals resented and policy abandoned in 60s
Inadequacies of Bantustans
Nation Party not prepared to divide SA equally
Africans to be subdivided into historical chieftaincies and language group yet no division of whites
Africans didn’t always consider themselves part of the subdivisions
What was the Congress Alliance?
Broad alliance of anti-apartheid organisations including the ANC, Indian Congress, trade unionists and others
Treason Trial
1956, 156 members of Congress Alliance arrested in dawn raids
Accused of high treason and subjected to trial that would last 5years
Bantu Authorities Act
Bantu Self Government Act