How to Overcome Procrastination and Focus Intently Flashcards
Pomodoro Technique
- Remove all distractions, from your desk, no pings from your phone or computer
- Set a 25 minute timer
- Focus intently on your work
- Take a 5 minute break
Pomodoro flow
If you do 4 Pomodoro sessions, take a longer break after the 4th session. If you get into a good flow, and want to continue working, you can. Technique is flexible, experiment with what works best.
Most productive employees have a Pomodoro flow of…
Work for 52 minutes, break for 17 minutes.
When you take in new knowledge…
Weak sets of links are created in long term memory
The helper of long term memory. During breaks, the hippocampus indexes weak links, making it easier to know what is stored where. Hippocampus helps long term memory practice and create better and stronger links. Hippocampus can be overwhelmed and can’t do its job properly when you study for too long, without breaks.
Taking breaks
Take breaks without using phone or laptop. Transfer of information to long term memory works best when you relax, or do something mindless.
Task switching
Avoid task switching. Every time you switch tasks, you have to activate another part of your brain. This takes time and effort, known as switching costs.