How to Master The Art of Small Talk Flashcards
to gab on
totalkcontinuouslyandeagerly,especiallyabout things that are notimportant:
I got so bored listening to him gabbing on about nothing
Lowe works at a technology public relations firm where chitchat with clients and journalists is just another part of the job
conversation that is funny and not serious, friendly remarks and jokes:
He considered himself a master of witty (остроумный) banter.
to reign
to be the king or queen of a country:
Queen Victoria reigned over Britain from 1837 to 1901.
a period when a particular person, feeling, or quality is very important or has a strong influence:
his successful reign as manager of the team
having the highest rank, level, or importance:
- the supreme commander of the armed forces
- the Supreme Court
- The country’s present constitution gives supreme authority to the presidency.
- Beethoven reigns supreme among classical composers.
what makes someone tick/what drives someone
whatmotivatessomeone? the reason you behave as you do:
I’ve never been able to understand what makes him tick.
rote learning or learning by rote
collocations that refer to the process of memorizing information by repetition rather than understanding its meaning
Lacking depth of character or understanding
throwaway (of a casual, often insignificant remark or comment)
made to fill the conversation or break the ice, something that someone says without thinking carefully and is not intended to be serious:
It was just a throwaway remark - I didn’t mean for anyone to take it seriously.
for the sake of
because of, or for thepurposeof something:
I’m just asking for the sake of asking
to strike up a conversation, to strike up (something)
to initiate a conversation with someone, to start to play or sing something:
When the applause had died down, a band struck up the national anthem.
statements, questions, or remarks used to initiate dialogue and set the tone for the interaction
to bemoan
to complain or say that you are not happy about something:
Researchers at universities are always bemoaning their lack of funds.
to bloom into
to develop grow or into something:
There is potential for small talk to bloom into something bigger.
only and not involving anyone or anything else:
I bought it solely for that purpose.
However, you should avoid viewing chitchat as solely transactional
ofinterestat thepresenttime;relatingto things that arehappeningatpresent (актуальний, not to be confused with actual!):
The discussion focused on topical issues in medicine.
Poswolsky suggests having a list of five or so questions at the ready that are topical and feel authentic to you
to find common ground
to discover shared interests, beliefs, or perspectives with someone else through a conversation:
Initiating a chat with someone wearing a shirt from your alma mater is easier than attempting to find common ground with nothing to go on