How to kill a mocking bird chapters 1-6 Flashcards
Why does Scout focus a lot on family history in the first few chapters of the book?
Scout focuses a lot on family history because this introduces how important family history is to the people in Maycomb in order for their beliefs and judgments to develop. Also, it is because of this strong sense of tradition that discrimination is so challenging to remove. In conclusion, family history is important to emphasize because it gives the theme of social status and class discrimination.
Why does Atticus treat his children a certain way?
By treating his kids a certain manner, Atticus demonstrates that everyone should be treated fairly and without regard to their social standing. Undoubtedly, Atticus has taught his children that a person should be judged according to their character (personality). He also serves as an example of how Southern attitudes and beliefs have changed through the years.
Jem slipped out of the house to go back to Mr, Radley’s to get his ________
Jem used a _______ to try to get the note through the shutters of the Radley’s window
Fishing pole
The first thing that was found in the knothole of the tree was ________
2 pieces of gum
Miss Caroline punished Scout because she could ________
One of the urban myths connected to Maycomb was that Radley’s ______would kill you if you ate them
The children tried to give Boo a note so that he would ________
come out
The usual way to seal a bargain on Maycomb was to _____ in the hand before shaking
Scout wanted to quit school because she thought she would not be able to ______ any more with Atticus
Jem pushed Scout in a ______ and it ended up in the Radley’s yard
According to Miss Stephanie, Boo drove a _______ into his father’s leg
pair of scissors
The narrator of the story is:
Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch
The location of the setting is:
Maycomb, Alabama, during the 1930s.
Atticus Finch worked as a :
Attorney / lawyer
does Scout likes school?
Jem, Scout, and Dill sneak onto the ___________________ back porch on Dill’s last night in Maycomb.
Jem loves to play _____________________ and would like it if Atticus would play with him.
Does Scout gets into a fight with Aunt Alexandra on Christmas day?
Scout gets into fights at school because people are calling Atticus a?
Nigger lover
Jem loses his temper and cuts the tops off of this neighbor’s camellia bushes.
Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose
Miss Maudie is happy when this happens to her house??
It burns down during cold weather.
Atticus tells Jem it’s not ok to shoot at certain kinds of birds. What kind of bird does he say shouldn’t be shot at?
Scout and Jem are surprised to find out that Atticus is good at ______
Atticus and Sherriff Tate come when Calpurnia calls and tells them there’s a loose dog in the neighborhood, and it has:
Atticus says it’s a sin to shoot a mockingbird because:
They are harmless; their only purpose is to please us.