How to Form a Business? Flashcards
What are the three major forms of business ownership?
- Sole Proprietorship
- Partnership
- Corporation
What is a sole proprietorship?
A business owned and usually managed by one person.
What defines a partnership?
A legal form of business with two or more owners.
What is a corporation?
A state-chartered legal entity with authority to act and have liability separate from its owners.
What are the advantages of a sole proprietorship?
Ease of starting and ending, being your own boss, pride of ownership, legacy, retention of profits, no special taxes.
What are the disadvantages of a sole proprietorship?
Unlimited liability, limited financial resources, management difficulties, overwhelming time commitment, few fringe benefits, limited growth, limited lifespan.
What are the advantages of partnerships?
More financial resources, shared management, longer survival, no special taxes.
What are the disadvantages of partnerships?
Unlimited liability, division of profits, disagreements among partners, difficulty of termination.
What are the advantages of corporations?
Limited liability, ability to raise money, size, perpetual life, ease of ownership change, ease of attracting talent, separation of ownership from management.
What is a general partnership?
A partnership where all owners share in operating the business and assume liability for its debts.
What distinguishes a limited partnership?
It includes one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.
What is a limited liability partnership (LLP)?
A partnership that limits partners’ risk of losing personal assets to their own acts and omissions.
What are the advantages of LLCs?
Limited liabilities, choice of taxation, flexible ownership rules, flexible profit distribution, operating flexibility.
What are the disadvantages of LLCs?
No stock (nontransferable ownership), fewer incentives, taxes, paperwork.
What do stockholders expect?
Dividends and an increase in stock price for potential resale.
What is a general manager’s role?
To represent the company and act on its behalf with limited liability.
What is an annual report?
A document that includes the balance sheet and financial performance of a company.
What is the balance sheet composed of?
Left side: assets (e.g., cash, patents)
Right side: equity and liabilities.
What is a merger?
The result of two firms forming one company.
What is the difference between a vertical and horizontal merger?
Vertical: firms at different stages in the supply chain; Horizontal: firms in the same industry.
What is an acquisition?
One company’s purchase of another company’s property and obligations.
What is a franchise agreement?
An arrangement where a franchisor sells the rights to use a business name and sell products/services to franchisees.
What are the pros of franchising?
Management assistance, personal ownership, recognized name, financial advice, lower failure rate.
What are the cons of franchising?
Large start-up costs, shared profit, management regulation, restrictions on selling, potential fraud.