How to answer questions - Nat 5 history Flashcards
How do you answer a ‘Describe’ question (4)
-You have to describe what happened during an event or issue
-You must make 4 relevant historic points
-You get one mark for each simple point and two marks for each developed point.
How do you answer an ‘Explain’ question
-You must make six relevant points from your own knowledge.
-1 mark for each simple point, 2 marks for each developed point
How do you answer a ‘Short Essay’ Question?
-In a short essay question you have to discuss different possible answers to a question, make an overall judgement, and explain why this is.
-You can get 9 marks by using iFACE to plan your answer.
Introduction: state the factors to be discussed or describe a background fact.
Discuss the FACTOR named in the question and explain why it is important (2-3 facts required)
Discuss ALTERNATIVE factors (say ‘however’). Outline two other factors and give 2-3 fact about each.
Conclusion: clearly answer the question: what was the main factor or was it successful.
Evidence: give one peice of evidence to support your conclusion.
How do you answer a ‘How Fully’ question? (6)
-Make six relevant historic points
-You have to identify facts from a source and also describe relevant information which is not found in the source.
-Use AID
Answer: answer the question, you may want to use, ‘the source is partially useful’
Includes: include up to three relevant fact the source tells us about the topic. You must us your own words.
Doesn’t include: include up to four relevant facts that the source does not tell you about the topic.
How do you answer an ‘Evaluate the usefulness’ question? (5)
-In an Evaluate the Usefulness question you have to explain why a source is useful for researching a particular historical issue.
-You must make 5 relevant points in your answer.
- Answer your question using the following prompts (found in the exam paper): Who made it? Why did they make it? When did they make it? What information does it include? What information is missing?