How To Answer Different Sourcequestions. Flashcards
How far do these two sources agree? Explain your answer using details of the sources.
Who’s wrote it , purpose, when it was written.
- 2x teems that agree
2x themes that disagree
- Compare big message and answer question .
How far does Source D prove that the author of Source C was right? Explain your answer using details of the sources and your knowledge.
- Compare big messages of the 2 sources.
- Compare the sub-messages of the 2 sources.
- use provenance -who said it , when it was said + cross reference to information at the time and other sources .
- answer the question - how far it makes the other source surprising
What is the cartoonist’s message? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge.
- who and when was it drawn .
- Explain 2 sub-messages
- Explain big-message
- cartoonists point of view (audience and what they may be trying to achieve)
Study Sources F and G. How far do these two cartoonists agree? Explain your answer using details of the sources and your knowledge.
-2 sub -messages that agree
- 2 sub-messages that disagree
- compare the big -messages of the cartoons.
- Compare the cartoonists POV(audience and what they may be trying to achieve )+ who , when it was drawn .
Study Source H. Are you surprised by this speech? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge.
- Sub -message
- big message
- cross reference to others sources
- context what was happening at the time
- ## answer the question
Study Source F. Why was this source published in March 1947? Explain your answer using details of the source and your knowledge.
- sub message
- big message
- purpose + audience
- purpose + audience and what was happening at the time
Study all the sources. How far do these sources provide convincing evidence that the Italian takeover of Abyssinia was justified? Use the sources to explain your answer.
- Go through all the sources putting yes or no against them to see whether it agrees or doesn’t
- state source
Whether it agreees or not - evidence
- reliable or not -Who said , wen it was said + why
- conclusion - come to a conclusion based on reliability + what sources agree or not .
Study Source D and E . Does Source D make Source E surprising? Explain your answer using details of the site es and your knowledge.
- 2 x agree themes
- 2 x disagree themes
- cross reference to other sources
- Cross reference using context
- evaluate purpose of the source
- answer the question , are you suorised or not ?