How to answer design terms Flashcards
what you see/reason its there/ impact created due to this
What’s the composition structure - e.g. triangle
Subject matter - natural or man made things
Pose - if person
Focal point
what the texture looks like
Bushes/ trees - what motion e.g. circular ones?
the decorative design
outlines and shapes - 3D or 2D - gives shadows
All similar shapes - symmetry
Quality of the shape - organic, geometric, angular, fragmented
colurs used and why/ what this does
Lots of bright colours - time of day such as summer
light/darkness - shadows
direction of lines - what form it has
emotions cretaed - mood/atmosphere
objects and shapes - arrangement
complexity and balance of composition
aesthetic element - viewpoint
matter imagery/subject matter
small details and effect given through them
Subject matter - natural or man made things
is it impressionism? what brush strokes used
media handling
medium used and the brush strokes types
Design questions
Function - where worn/placed. How stay positioned and does it get in way
Materials/ techniques
Target audience
Fitness for purpose
Visual impact
Style - shapes/forms. Symmetry/asymmetrical. When used/worn
Comment on symmetry, is it cropped, busy, negative space, leading lines
Wearability/ function for jewellery
where does it get worn on the body? Does this work? Consider the outside surfaces, would it catch on clothing, how does it stay in position
Style for jewellery
what are the prominent shapes/forms, Is there symmetry/asymmetry, what type
of event might this be worn to, what design style was prominent during this time
Colour for jewellery
do the colours contrast, harmonise, relate to the style of the time? Would it
suit many items of clothing, do they add a sense of elegance/glamour?
Decoration for jewellery
Is there stones/gems - made for someone rich/uperclass
Sources of inspiration for jewellery
the time period
other artists
certain art styles