How Studies Link To Area Flashcards


Explain how Morays study of auditory attention links to the cognitive area
What does the cognitive area say influences behaviour?
Key theme?
How many experiment were there? What did they all involve? How was this achieved?
What did participants have to do in experiment 1? ( include attended and rejected)
What task did they have to complete? Details?
What was evident? What could not be broken and why? Results?


The cognitive area states the mental processes such as memory and attention can impact behaviour. Many studies in this area have investigated the key theme of auditory attention which has been researched by Moray.
In Morays study there were 3 experiments, in which all of them involved dichotic listening ( achieved through a modified tape recorder which allowed participants to hear different audios through each headphone) In experiment one participants had to shadow (repeat) the attended message and ignore the rejected message ( list of words) and do a recognition task with 21 words spilt into 3 categories ( 7 words from the showed message 7 words from rejected message and 7 words from niether of the messages but were similar) Evidently as participants auditory attention was focused on one stimulus, other stimuli were unable to break the in-attentional barrier as and average of 4.9 out of 7 words from the shadowed message was correctly identified compared to only 1.9 out of 7 words from the rejected message.

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