How Language Changes Flashcards
Language throughout time
Language at a particular point in time
Language at a particular point in time
Difference between prescriptivists and descriptivism
Descriptivism describes how language is used whereas pescriptivism describes how language should be used
Framework for change (5)
- Lexical chnage
- Semantic change
- Grammatical chnage
- Phonological change
- Orthographical change
Why does our language change (10)
- Technology
- Streamlining and efficiency
- Colonisation, revolution and empire
- Political correctness and politeness
- Theories
- Loan words (borrowing)
- Functional theory
- Substratum theory
- Random fluctuation
- Lexical gaps
Why does our language change (10)
- Streamlining and efficiency
- Colonisation, revolution and empire
- Political correctness and politeness
- Theories
- Loan words (borrowing)
- Functional theory
- Substratum theory
- Random fluctuation
- Lexical gaps
Who invented the s curve model
S curve model
users pick up language change at gradual rate before it accelerates and spreads wider into wider usage. It then slows down again and stabilises
Lexical diffusion
The gradual speed of change
Example of s curve model
Shakespeares firms of question construction
“Thinkst thou?” Changes to “dost thou think”
Who invented wave model
Wave model
Geographical distance has impact on language change spread - change strengthens nearer the ‘epicentre’
Example of wave model
Words adopted by multicultural youths in London less likely to be taken up by multicultural speakers in Edinburgh
Lexical gaps and example
When words could exists but don’t
E.g. no word for ‘to not look’