How Infections Occur Flashcards
What is bacteria,
Some types of bacterial caused conditions
Single cell micro organisms that may cause infection
Scarlet fever
Strep throat
Food poisoning
What are some types
They depend on other organisms to live and reproduce
Common cold
Chicken pocks
Single cell or multicellular organism
Athletes foot
Single celles organism that can only divide within a host organism
Group of micro organisms that are similar to viruses that they require other living cells to grow but are similar to bacteria that they need oxygen. They have metabolic enzymes and cell walls, are susceptible to antibiotics
Rocky Mountain fever spotted fever
Parasitic worms
Disease causing organisms that live on or inside humans or other animals and derive their nourishment from their hosts
Cause the following complications
Abdominal pain
Lymphatic vessel blockage
Lowered antibody response
Respiratory and circulatory complications
What are the bodies natural defences that prevent germs from entering
The body depends on intact skin and mucus membranes in the mouth, nose and eyes to keep germs out
When skin is damaged (cuts) germs can enter
Mucus traps the germs so they can then be sneezed or coughed out
Mucus membranes are less effective than skin for keeping blood borne pathogens out of the body
How the immune system works
It’s basic tools are white blood cells and antibodies
Special white blood cells travel around the body and identifies invading pathogens
Once detected white blood cells surround the pathogen releasing antibodies that attack the pathogen to weaken or destroy them
How the immune system works
It’s basic tools are white blood cells and antibodies
Special white blood cells travel around the body and identifies invading pathogens
Once detected white blood cells surround the pathogen releasing antibodies that attack the pathogen to weaken or destroy them
Common signs and symptoms that signal the body is fighting off an infection
4 factors that must coincide for an infection to occur
- Pathogen is present
2.there is enough of the pathogen to cause disease - Person is susceptible to the pathogen
- There is a route of entry
If one of these conditions is missing an infection cannot occur
4 factors that must coincide for an infection to occur
- Pathogen is present
2.there is enough of the pathogen to cause disease - Person is susceptible to the pathogen
- There is a route of entry
If one of these conditions is missing an infection cannot occur
4 ways pathogens can enter a body
- direct contact- person touches bodily fluids from infected person
- Indirect contact- person touches object that have touched the bodily fluids of a other person (needles)
- Airborne - person breathes in droplets
- Vector borne - animal or insect transmission through a bite
The carrier is a vector and passes the infection to another animal or person
Ex rabies or Lyme disease
Epidemic vs pandemic
Epidemic- spreads across geographic boundaries
Pandemic- involves multiple countries large number of people
Types of Hepatitis
A- (HAV) spread primarily through food or water that has been contaminated with feces from infected person
- inflammation of the liver, flu like symptoms
-is a vaccine for this
B- (HVB)
Can be severe or fatal, jaundice
- is a preventative vaccine which provides immunity to it
C - (HCV) liver disease symptoms similar to B
It has an acute phase of 6 months then a chronic infection
No vaccine for hep C this leads to needing liver transplants
D (HDV) this relys on HBV to replicate so D only occurs in ppl that have B it’s uncommon in Canada
Transmitted through blood
No vaccine for D but the vaccine of B provides indirect protection
Transmitted via fecal oral route associated with ingesting contaminated drinking water
HIV is the virus that caused aids
HIV attacks the white blood cells that destroys the bodies ability to fight infection
AIDS Is the long term effect effect due to the drop in white blood cells
Bacterium called mycobacterium tuberculosis
- attacks the lungs but also damages brain, kidneys or spine
Spread through air (coughing, sneezing, talking)
Must be treated with meds or can be fatal
- there is multi drug resistant TB
It’s resistant to 2 of the most effective anti TB drugs ( isoniazid and rifampin)
This occurs in ppl that don’t take their TB meds properly
Had TB before
Come in areas where it’s common to occur / spend time with someone who has it
Contagious meningococcal infection that attacks the meninges (the protective coverings that surround the brain and spinal cord)
Caused by bacteria or a virus. Transmitted by close contact person to person droplets
Vaccine and antibiotics available
MRSA and community based MRSA
Staph bacteria
Lives on the skin and in the nose often without causing issues but once it enters the body it can become a source of infection
Can be transferred by casual contact of items
When MRSA occurs in groups of ppl who have not recently been hospitalized or had a medical procedure it’s referred to as community based
(Sports teams)
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE)
Bacteria that live in the human intestine or urinary tract and are often found in the environment
Generally do not cause illness but if it does antibiotics can treat
Often spreads in healthcare facilities
Group of 6 viruses that typically cause upper respiratory tract illnesses
It constantly evolves and is poorly understood
SARS and MERS are both caused by coronavirus infections
Transmitted by air and physical contact
SARS - sever acute respiratory syndrome
Spread by close person contact and respiratory droplets
Headache, fever, body aches, dry cough
MERS - Middle East respiratory syndrome
Similar to pneumonia fever, cough shortness of breath
Group of 6 viruses that typically cause upper respiratory tract illnesses
It constantly evolves and is poorly understood
SARS and MERS are both caused by coronavirus infections
Transmitted by air and physical contact
SARS - sever acute respiratory syndrome
Spread by close person contact and respiratory droplets
Headache, fever, body aches, dry cough
MERS - Middle East respiratory syndrome
Similar to pneumonia fever, cough shortness of breath
Seasonal respiratory illness caused by both human influenza A and B viruses
Transmitted from person to person via droplets by coughing and then also by direct or indirect contact with the respiratory secretions
Seasonal respiratory illness caused by both human influenza A and B viruses
Transmitted from person to person via droplets by coughing and then also by direct or indirect contact with the respiratory secretions
Is the introduction of a substance that contains specific weakened or killed pathogens into the body
The bodies immune system then builds resistance to the specific type of infection that the injected
Common vaccines
-DPT ( diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus)
-hepatitis B
-MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)
Preventing disease transmission,
Each time you provide care you must follow basic infection control precautions
- wearing ppe
-practicing good personal hygiene
-cleaning and disinfecting equipment
-following occupational or workplace procedures