How Hitler gained support before he became chancellor. Flashcards
What was the Dawes plan? When was it?
America was lending Germany money to help pay the reparations. 1924.
When was the Wall Street Crash? What happened because of it?
October 1929. Businesses went bankrupt, unemployment was high, poverty, hunger, homelessness was common. US banks recalled money that was loaned to Germany.
Explain section of the depression.
Weimar appeared helpless in trying to solve the economic crisis. Many people blamed them for the situation Germany was in. They had already experienced one crisis under their ruling. Support for extremist parties like the Nazi’s increased as people were annoyed.
When was the Ruhr Crisis?
11th January 1923.
How did the depression help Hitler gain support?
The Wall Street Crash in October 1929 meant that businesses went bankrupt, unemployment was high, poverty, hunger, homelessness was common. US banks recalled money that was loaned to Germany as a result of the Dawes Plan in 1924. So Germany was becoming crippled by the growing debt of the reparations with no help from America alongside all the other problems the depression brought. After already experiencing the Ruhr Crisis on 11th January 1923 under the ruling of the Weimar Republic another economic crisis made people blame the Weimar government as they were angry because of the two depressions. Support for extremist parties such as the Nazi’s increased because angry people generally vote for extreme parties as they want change and solutions.
When did support for the Communist party increase? What did this bring?
1930-32. Fear they would take over.
Why didn’t people want the Communist Party in control?
They were violent and chaotic. Farmers feared a take over of their land and business owners feared nationalism.
Explain section of the fear of communism.
People wanted stability and discipline they had with the Kaiser. Communist Party was the opposite of this, feared the consequences of them coming into power and saw the Nazi’s as the only people who could save them.
How did the fear of communism help Hitler gain support?
Between 1930 and 1932 supported for the communist party increased and there was the fear they would take over. They were violent and chaotic so people feared them taking over. Farmers feared a take over of their land and business owners feared nationalism. People wanted stability and discipline like they had with the Kaiser and as the communist party were the opposite of this many people feared the consequences of the Communists coming into power. They saw the Nazi’s as the only people who could save them and this led to an increase in support.
What did the Nazi’s promise?
Solve the economic problems, ignore the Treaty of Versailles and build up the army to make Germany great again.
Who organised propaganda?
Joseph Goebbels.
Explain section the appeal of the Nazi Party.
People craved one strong leader which Hitler presented himself as. They told people what they wanted to hear and made promises to suit everyone. Effective use of propaganda. Hitler travelled by plane, which was noticed as it was new and impressive, around the country to spread the Nazi message. Gained a huge number of votes.
How did the appeal of the Nazi Party help them gain support?
Hitler made impressive and memorable speeches, presented himself as a strong leader who could solve Germany’s problems. The Nazi’s made lots of promises, which were often very flexible. They promised to solve the economic problems, ignore the Treaty of Versailles and build up the army to make Germany great again. They also used a great deal of propaganda, organised by Goebbels, including mass rallies, loudspeakers, films, poster leaflets and had very simple messages.
This helped them gain support as the people craved a strong leader and the Nazi Party could give this to them. They told people what they wanted to hear and their promises suited almost everyone. Effective use of propaganda meant many people heard their policies as Hitler travelled by plane, which was noticed as it was new and impressive, around the country to different rallies, to spread the Nazi message to thousands. This meant they gained a huge number of votes.
Who were the two main rivals of the Nazi Party? Would they join together?
Social Democrats and the Communists. No, they were bitter rivals.
Explain section of weak opposition.
German people might not have supported all their policies, but they did not like the alternatives to the Nazi Party. There was a huge loss of trust in parties that had ruled during the depression. The Nationalist party joined the Nazi’s which brought with it the supporters from the Nationalist party.
How did weak opposition help the Nazi’s gain support?
The two main rivals of the Nazi party were the Social Democrats and the Communists. They were bitter rivals so would not join together against the Nazi’s. They were also less organised than the Nazi’s and did not have their giant propaganda machine.
This helped the Nazi’s gain support as even though people might not have supported all their policies, they did not like the alternatives to the Nazi Party. There was a huge loss of trust in parties who ruled during the depression. The Nationalist party joined the Nazi’s which brought with it the supporters from the Nationalist party.
How did the political deal help the Nazi’s gain support?
Hitler demanded the post of chancellor but was refused as Hindenburg did not like or trust him. Papen lost most of his support in the Reichstag so the opposition was less of a threat to the Nazi’s. In the November 1932 election, there were signs that the Nazis were losing support and Hitler’s claim was rejected in favour of Schleicher. He resigned within a month. To everyone’s surprise, Hitler was offered the post on the 30th January 1933 as Papen and Hindenburg thought they could control Hitler. Gaining the support of Hindenburg by writing well about him in the newspaper meant that the Nazi Party again grew in support and without this scheming Hindenburg may have stopped the Nazi’s from coming into power.