How far did working conditions and opportunities improve, 1939-1979? Flashcards
Improvments for women
E1: WW2
-Considerable changes to employment in Britain
- construction and manufacturing experienced a short-term boom= demands of war production and rearmament
- 1944= 33% involved in war work (including 7 million women )
- Full employment
- Minister of Labour- Bevin issued Essential work order 1941= Gov power to organise labour force
= improved wages and conditions to increase productivity= tied people to jobs essential for war effort =hard for employers to dismiss them + canteens an medical centres
E2: Post ww2
-rapid expansion of new industries = new opportunities for blue collar workers:
-Car industry (major employer
=1950’s 1960’s = employed over 500,000
- average wages rose 88% (1950-70)
- low inflation= buying power rose
- increased oppurtunites = growing affluenece and consumer boom = never had it so good
increased opportunities for white collar workers in the service and professional sector:
-the expansion of government intervention + creation of the welfare state =lots more public
sector jobs
-the NHS = biggest single employer in Europe by the 1970s
What were the changes to employment like in Britain?
Which industries experienced a short term boom and why?
construction and manufacturing
demands of war production and rearmament
In 1944 what % were involved in war effort?
including 7 million women
Experienced full what
who was the minister for labour]? and what did he issue?
Essential work ord3er 1941
What did the essential work order do? and what was the result
Gov power to organise labour force
improved wages and conditions to increase productivity=
Which act tied people to jobs essential for the war effort?
Essential work order 1941
Post ww2 there was rapid expansion in what?
New industries
oppurtunites for blue collor workers
which industry was a major employer?
how many employees
over 500,000 1950’s and 60’s
how much did avergage wages rise by in 1950-70?
Low inflation led to
increase buying power
Increased oppurtunites led to
= growing affluenece and consumer boom
Who stated that the British public never had it so good?
Increased oppurtunites for white collor workers in what sectors
Service and professional
What led to the creatoion of more public sector jobs?
the expansion of government intervention + creation of the welfare state
who was the biggest single employer in Europe by the 1970s?
E1: ww2== increased working opportunities
-8 million women in “male-dominated” industries
Women better paid as a result of employment
Many reached levels of importance and seniority that were not available in civilian life
-Bevin -efforts to make the workplace more accessible for mothers: creches and medical cares introduced
Married women
-more likely to work due to the removal of the ‘marriage bar’
- In industries: Civil service 1946
- Bnaking 1949
- Late 70’s , approximately 50% of all married women retaining their jobs
women were given more opportunities to pursue , career :marriage and children were no longer a significant barrier
E2:Government action in the 1970s ensured that women were protected against discrimination in the workplace:
- Equal Pay Act (1970) was made compulsory in 1975: improved pay = steps towards equality
prohibited less favorable pay or conditions for women
a significant milestone on the road to economic equality
-the war had a broader impact and contributed to slowly changing attitudes
-post-war it became more acceptable for women to work (particularly in the services industry)
Sex Discrimination Act (1975) provided legal protection against discrimination in employment and education
- tribunals deal with sexual harassment
- Labour gov - Equal oppurntinies commission
Employment Protection Act (1975) made it illegal to sack pregnant women, provided the right to maternity pay
and guaranteed their job would be protected: removed some of the difficulties of becoming a mother
ww2 increased oppurtuniteis for what
how many women in “male dominated” industries?
8 million