How effectively did opposition express itself in the years 1918-89? Flashcards
What was the impact of the TofV on German politics?
Caused resentment due to misinformation about the extent to which Germany was close to losing. U.S loans like the Dawes (1924) plan and the Young (1929) had little impact on reducing resentment.
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) Why was the government opposed by extremist groups on the left and right?
- Involvement in TofV
- Liberalism and democratic principles
- failure to produce strong government and leader
- failure to unite Germany
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) Who did the most significant left-wing opposition come from?
Communist groups immediately after the war ie) uprising due to dissmissing Eichorn (USPD member) on 4th January 1919 + 6th January armed workers take over key buildings. Overthrown by Friekorps, but they refused to end right wing extremism.
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) What were the 2 most significant right-wing extremist actions?
Kapp Putsch -1920
Munich Putsch-1923
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) What was the Kapp Putsch?
Overthrow of Weimar government by Wolfgang Kapp, Freikorps leaders Walther Luttwitz and Herman Ehrhardt w/ support of Erich Ludendorff.
Took over Berlin 12th March and scrapped constitution, but general, universal strike by trade unions demanding SPD in control meant that 4 days after strike Kapp government fell and replaced by Weimar again. No thanks to the army. Kapp died in prison and other ringleaders given short prison sentences.
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) What was the Munich Putsch?
Hitler attempted to recreate Mussolini’s fascist ‘March on Rome’. He’d start in Munich and spread from there. 8th November, SA surround beer cellar in Munich where Hitler interrupts meeting of important officials like Gustav von Khar.
He locks himself in and tells them the national government and the government of Bavaria = deposed and that him and Ludendorff would run a new one.
Opposition began to be created and reinforced against Putsch and Hitler and his allies went to jail - he got 5 years, which he spent writing Mein Kampf.
(Political extremism and crises 1918-33) Was the Munich Putsch a success?
For Hitler, yes.
It allowed him to gain popularity by his speech, allowed him to write Mein Kamf and gave him greater understanding in gaining power by legitimate means.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How was opposition and dissent under Nazi Germany in general?
Dangerous. And useless. By August 1933, all opposition groups were illegal, members of the KPD and SPD were either out of Germany or in concentration camps for political prisoners. Opposition became increasingly impossible as Nazi hold on Germany tightened.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition and dissent?
- Anti-Nazi campaigns
- Sabotage
- Disobedience
- Attempts to assassinate Hitler
- Church opposition
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition and dissent via anti-nazi campaigns?
KPD, SPD and trade unions made anti-nazi propoganda ie) 1933- SPD made Red Shock Troop, but arrested and jailed. Attempts after this were impossible because publishing adress made opposition easily traceable. Communist groups revived in June 1941 in operation Barbosa when G invaded USSR. Uhrig groups leafted factories and put up posters urging workers to commit acts of sabotage. Red Orchestra passed information about German war effort to the USSR.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition and dissent via sabotage?
Held lightning strikes ie) 1936- workers who built the autobhans held a lightning strike.
Production sabotaged by slow working, damaging machinery, reporting in sick. But, Nazi government needed workers badly after war broke out and so turnt a blind eye, except for when groups became too successful ie) 1944- Gestapo arrest members of the Anti-Fascist workers group. Blowing up bridges or railway lines became common after G was at war.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition an dissent via disobedience?
Young people got into Western culture, Jazz and swing music, made bands to show they were not a part of Hitler Youth. Later in 1940s made illegal, but Nazi’s didn’t bother with these groups.
Edelweiss Pirates = anti-Nazi to varying degrees and if caught were executed.
White Rose Group of Munich university = operated in secret and used sabotage and disobedience to expose Nazi murders of Jews. Result = arrested and executed.
Others in groups or alone would help Jews escape whilst wokring w/in Nazi system ie) Hans Von Dohnanyi worked in Nazi justice system, but helped escapes w/ brother in law and Protestant pastor- both sent to concentration camps in 1943.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition and dissent via attempts to assassinate Hitler?
July 1921-July 1944 = 15 known attempts to assassinate Hitler. After 1939, 7 of these attempts were by army.
Most serious army attempt = July 1944 when Leuitenant Claus and army attempt to take over government and negotiate alliance w/ allies. Assassination attempt failed , Freidrich Fromme betrays those involed, they all-including him- get executed.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) How did people express opposition and dissent via Church opposition?
Hitler wanted power fully to himself, at first he created a concordat with the Pope to leave the Catholic Church alone if they didn’t interfere.
Then Hitler made the ‘People’s Church’ as a part of the Evangelical Church. Began to get extreme w/ anti-semitism, anti-communism and wanted to remove old testemant.
Result= creation of PEL, Pastors Emergency League in the Confessing Church, which criticised the People’s Church, and as a result its members were executed or arrested.
(Opposition and dissent in Nazi Germany 1933-45) Explain the idea of spontaneous protests in Germany under Hitler
Hitler did focus on opposition from certain groups ie) public outcry as a result of the arrest of Meiser and Wurm (Pastors). Result = he let them free
or his decision to negotiate w/ Chaimberlain as a result public unenthusiasm in Berlin crowd.
(Political dissent and active challenge 1949-89) In the 1950s, the FRG was trying to establish itself. What were the 4 key problems they faced?
- Rebuilding the government and having useful coalitions
- rebuilding the economy and physically rebuilding the country
- building sense of identity, whilst leaving room for unification w/ East Germany
- Establishing FRG as a member of Europe