How does the UK protect Article 8? Flashcards
Who can breach Article 8?
- Police officers, as they work for a public authoirty.
- Judges in a court, as they work for a public authority.
- Journalists, but only under UK law.
Who cannot breach Article 8?
Citizens, as they are private individuals.
What does section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 state?
Public authorities must take measures to protect privacy.
What is defamation?
Something which damages an individual’s reputation, identifies the victim and is published to a third party.
What does defamation cover?
- Libel.
- Slander.
What is libel?
Permanent defamation.
What is slander?
Transient defamation.
What does the Defamation Act 2013 require?
- The claimant to show it caused ‘serious harm’.
- Proof of special damages for slander cases.
What are the defences to a claim for defamation?
- Truth.
- Honesty.
- Public interest.
- Attempts made to verify the truth.
- Internet defences.
- Privilege.
What are the aims of the Investigatory Powers Act 2016?
- To combine powers of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.
- To introduce double-lock for interception warrant.
- To create a Commisioner to oversee.
- To modernise powers for modern age.
What is the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998?
- Controls how personal data is used by organisations such as businesses or the government.
- Requires that anyone using data has to follow the data protection principles.
What is the objective of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997?
To prevent stalking.
What criminal offences are included in the Protection from Harassment Act 1997?
- Pursuing a course of conduct amounting to harassment.
- Putting the victim in fear of violence due to harassing conduct.
What is the objective of the Malicious Communications Act 1998?
To prevent offensive communications.
What criminal offence is included in the Malicious Communications Act 1998?
Sending a letter, article or any electronic message which conveys:
- A grossly offensive message.
- A threat.
- Information which is false or believed to be false.