how do dryland landforms evolve as climate changes Flashcards
most recent glacial and its effect
Pleistocene glacial peaked 20,000 years ago. North America and Eurasia largely ice covered. Mid-lats mostly ice free, Average temps 6^C lower, Permafrost dominated landscape, Today some of these areas are deserts (e.g. Great Plains)
permanently frozen soil and regolith
frost heave
progressive movement of soil particles downslope as a result of freeze-thaw cycles
slow flow of saturated regolith down a gradient which can be very gentle. When on permafrost it is called gelifluction
general climate pattern in the last 500,000 yrs
fluctuated between cold and warm periods
scree slopes created by freeze-thaw weathering
rock glaciers
linear accumulations of angular rocks which have moved downslope as a result of formation and melting of interstitial ice (ice formed btw rock particles)
ognips or pingos
conical ice-cored hill in periglacial environments
soil and sediment churned by frost heave
ice wedges
infilled casts of vertical, triangular sheets of ground ice
nivation hollows
physical weathering and frost have occurred beneath long established snow patches. resulting debris removed by flowing meltwater. They trap snow and prolong the action of freeze thaw