How accurate is it to say that the post-war 'economic miracle' was the most impressive period of German industrial growth in the period 1871-1990? Flashcards
Which countries did Prussia trade with during Imperial Germany?
Trade between Prussia, France, Belgium, Britain and Italy increased dramatically
What did Prussia mainly trade during Imperial Germany?
Coal and Iron
During Imperial Germany, how much of European steel did Germany produce?
During Imperial Germany, how much of European coal did Germany produce?
During Imperial Germany, how much did their population increase by between 1890 and 1910?
10 million - population in 1890 was 50 million and in 1910 the population was 60 million
When did Germany become Europe’s largest industrial nation during Imperial Germany?
During Imperial Germany, how much did Germany’s value of exports increase by, between which years?
Germany’s exports increased by £365 million between 1872 and 1914
What were the main features of the economy during Imperial Germany?
Advanced machinery, chemicals and electricity
During Imperial Germany, how much did electrical output increase by each year from 1890 to 1913?
During Imperial Germany, how much did the railways grow by, between which years?
Between 1845 and 1870, the German railway network grew 6 times.
When was there an economic crisis in Imperial Germany and what was it caused by?
1873 - over investment and corruption
When did the economic depression end during Imperial Germany?
What shortages did Germany suffer from during WW1?
Coal, cotton, rubber, petrol, copper, tin and transport supplies
During Weimar Germany, what industry expanded and why?
The manufacturing industry because exports increased dramatically
How many men did Germany lose during WW1?
1.8 million
By what year during Weimar Germany did production reach pre-WW1 levels?
Between which years did GNP increase by during Weimar Germany and what was this period called?
1925-1929 - “Golden Years”
During Weimar Germany, how much did the workforce decline by and production increase by in the Ruhr?
Workforce declined by 33% but productivity increased by 18%
During Weimar Germany, what was the exchange rate against the dollar?
$1 : DM 4.2. trillion
During Weimar Germany, how much did a loaf of bread cost?
DM 9 million
When was the Dawes Plan during Weimar Germany?
What was the Dawes Plan during Weimar Germany?
USA gave Germany money to improve their economy
How much money did the USA give Germany as part of the Dawes Plan during Weimar Germany?
DM 800 million
Which Chancellor introduced a new currency during Weimar Germany?
Chancellor Stressemann
Why did the Wall ST. Crash hit Weimar Germany harder than other countries such as France and Italy?
Their economy was focused more on industry
By what year during the Nazi period had unemployment reduced by how much?
By 1934, unemployment had halved
What did the Nazi government focus on to induce economic recovery?
Public works schemes, self sufficiency and rearmament
What did the Nazis 4 year plan focus on?
By what year, how much of the Nazis government expenditure was spent on rearmament?
1938 - 44%
Who reorganised the Nazi Central Planning Board in what year?
Albert Speer - 1942
When did industrial production peak during the Nazi period?
By what year during the Nazi period was there a labour shortage and why?
By 1939 there was a labour shortage because the Nazis directed their economy on heavy industry so there was a labour shortage as building and metal industries expanded
Why was there a decline in consumer goods during the Nazi period?
The Nazis distorted the economy towards the war e.g. steel and coal
Why was there much infighting in the economic sector and what was the impact of this during the Nazi period?
The chaotic nature of the Nazi state meant there was much infighting in the economic sector and this hampered the production of key war materials such as armaments
What was West German industry focused on?
Advanced machinery, electronics, cars and services such as banking and education
When did West Germany join the European Coal and Steel Community?
When did West Germany join the European Economic Community?
How much did GNP increase by in West Germany during the 1950s?
West German GNP trebled during the 1950s
Where did West Germany rank among the world in terms of how large their economy was?
Germany became the 3rd largest economy in the world
How much did West Germany receive from the USA in the form of Marshall Aid?
$1.3 billion