How a bill becomes a law Flashcards
What are the initial steps in turning a bill into a law?
The initial steps involve drafting the bill by a Representative, Senator, or proponent, followed by filing with either the HOR Secretary General or Senate Secretary. The bill is then assigned a number (HB/SB No. ____)
What happens during the “First Reading in Plenary”?
During the First Reading, the number and title of the bill are read, and then it is referred to the appropriate committee
What actions are undertaken during “Committee Considerations”?
This stage includes a Technical Working Group review and public hearings conducted by the mother committee. Referral to other committees may occur if needed. An example is provided: the Mother committee may focus on Government reorganization, while other committees may focus on Appropriation, Ways, and Means
Describe the “Second Reading in Plenary.”
The bill is read in full, along with any amendments proposed by the committee. This is followed by amendments, discussions/interpellations, and sponsorship by the Committee Chairperson and co-authors/co-sponsors
What occurs after the discussions and amendments during the Second Reading?
The bill is voted on. If approved, it proceeds to a Third Reading
Explain the process during the “Third Reading in Plenary”.
The bill is submitted for a final vote
What is the requirement regarding the distribution of copies before the Third Reading? Are there exceptions?
There must be three session days after distribution of copies of the approved version of the bill to the members [Art. VI, Sec. 26(2)]. This is dispensed with if the bill is certified urgent by the President due to a public calamity or emergency
What happens after a bill is approved on the Third Reading?
The bill is transmitted to the other House for concurrence
If the other House has no counterpart bill, what process does the transmitted bill undergo?
The bill undergoes the usual process of legislation in the other House
What happens if the Senate and House versions of a bill are compatible?
The versions are consolidated into one enrolled bil
Define an “Enrolled Bill”
An Enrolled Bill is the final copy of a bill or joint resolution that has passed both houses of a legislature and is ready for the signature of the President
What is the “Conclusiveness of an Enrolled Bill”?
An enrolled bill is conclusive not only of its provisions but also of its due enactment. It is a solemn assurance that it was passed by Congress
What is the purpose of the Legislative Journal?
The Legislative Journal is the record of the proceedings in each House
What information does the Legislative Journal record?
It records the yeas and nays on any question or final reading of a bill and the objections of the President to a vetoed bill
In case of conflict, does the Enrolled Bill or the Legislative Journal prevail?
The Enrolled Bill prevails
What is the role of the Bicameral Conference Committee?
It is formed to reconcile conflicting provisions between the Senate and the House versions of a bill
After the Bicameral Conference Committee, what steps follow?
Preparation and printing of the Enrolled Bill
What happens after the preparation of the Enrolled Bill?
The Enrolled Bill is transmitted to the President
What are the President’s options upon receiving the Enrolled Bill?
The President can sign the bill, making it a law, or veto it, returning it to Congress
What can Congress do if the President vetoes a bill?
Congress may re-pass the vetoed bill if two-thirds of both Houses, voting separately, approve its enactment
What happens if the President does not act on a bill within 30 days?
If the President fails to communicate a veto within 30 days after receipt, the bill shall lapse into law